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iGP web site very slow

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medal 5000
11 years 342 days ago
noticed a few days bk but its even worse at the mo, its taking ages to load a page, constantly got 'Waiting for' while waiting for a page to open,
For example, it took 1 minute  to go from staff page to drivers list, a further minute to select skills view, then another 60 seconds to sort them in reverse order of an attribute then a further 60 seconds to get the drivers sorted in order of the highest attribute 1st, thats massively different to what it was b4. im not overly patient its very frustrating lol

Is any1 else having this problem? doesnt seem to be my computer as the cpu/memory/internet usuage is all very low when this is going on and all over internet sites are loading at normal instant speed.
medal 5000
11 years 342 days ago
I'm having the exact same problem. Especially trying to open the inbox, sometimes it takes 20-30 seconds. Rotating between pages is taking a good 10 seconds to load most of the time though. Not great when you're in a hurry XD
medal 5000
11 years 341 days ago
Yea Inbox is bad for me as well.
medal 5000
11 years 339 days ago
I really cant be arsed waiting 20 seconds for my inbox to load and a further 20 seconds to navigate away from the page
medal 5000
11 years 339 days ago
Same here inbox is terribly bad and when searching for new drivers changing anything is terrible.
medal 5000
11 years 338 days ago
Is this still a problem for some people.  I have been offline for a few days, never had this problem, and it is ok for me today?
medal 5000
11 years 338 days ago
On and off Jake, but some times I hate to say it is painfully slow.
medal 5000
11 years 338 days ago
sometimes it still seems I have logged in on my old 56k dial up modem :)
medal 5208
11 years 338 days ago
There has reportedly been some network issues, mainly for the Simulator server, which seems to of migrated itself to the website server. These should of disappeared by now.
medal 5000
11 years 338 days ago
Not at all David. Today alone is another prime example. Opening inboxes for me can take up to 15 seconds to load and navigate away from.
medal 5208
11 years 338 days ago
Andrew mentioned to me that there was issues with the network that both servers use. Quite possibly due to maintenance or a problem with the service provider for the server hosts.
medal 5000
11 years 338 days ago
So I am going to be really thick here and ask -  if it is a problem with the servers why doesn't it affect everyone?
I am having no problems at all.
medal 5000
11 years 338 days ago
You tell me. It's certainly not my internet connection, and to be fair although it doesn't affect everyone it does effect a great deal of people. Our BRL race lags almost every night for half the users too, and the problem seems to be intermittent between players. Some nights player A is fine when player B is lagging, and then the next night player B is fine while player A is lagging etc.

Most of the time the simulator is fine for me any way, and some of the people who are complaining about lag are much closer to the UK than I am (you can't really get any furthur away from the UK than I am lol) .. Some of them are even in the UK. Most of my lag is on the website itself not the simulator. Inboxes are a huge pain to open a lot of the time.

^ My connection atm.
medal 5208
11 years 338 days ago
Speedtest is fully incapable of testing stability
medal 5000
11 years 338 days ago
Speedtest is fully incapable of testing stability

None the less, my connection is 100% clean, not shared with any other computer and I'm not using wireless.

The fact that the problem ONLY exists on the iGP site rules my connection out for me. Never ever had a single problem with my internet outside of iGP, quite literally ever.
medal 5000
11 years 337 days ago
I will ask for this to be looked at tomorrow
medal 5000
11 years 336 days ago
I can confirm that opening inbox is just frustrating, especially when you want to read multiple letters in a row. For some reason it is just painfully slow. The rest of the web page is quite slow as well but inbox is clearly the worst.

Never had any troubles during the race though, just the web page.
medal 5000
11 years 336 days ago
This is being worked on
medal 5000
11 years 334 days ago
Virus scanning, firewalls, hidden programmes running in the background etc etc. They will all have an effect on loading speed.
Well that's what the 'so called' computer experts keep telling me (nothing to do with iGP). :(
medal 5000
11 years 334 days ago
Inbox has been horridly slow or me for months. Doesn't matter if the inbox is regularly cleared out either
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