Binod Shrestha medal 5000 5 years 176 days ago (Last edited by
Binod Shrestha 5 years 176 days ago)
1 = no
2 = why? I’m in a league without compound rule, very competitive league, different strategies used, different strategies win. If you want a compound rule, do that but don’t impose it on everyone
3 = no
4 = no will lead to some cars looking like shit
5 = no, there’s a possibility to change it already
6 = no, why add animations? This is not an arcade racing game
7 = no, game is well balanced finance-wise
Well It is really tough to compete with opponents with very high level with current finance structure, again if you don't get any prize for winning, what's the point of it.
I am not saying PC, Xbox, PS4 level of editor, I am just saying the flexibility in size and placement of sponsers and suppliers already in the game.
I am not saying it's an arcade, just one more step towards reality would be a great move, and again going through the cars don't give the wheel to wheel actions.
And for refulling, if you become busy in any other things, automatic pitstops always lead to overfuling and sometimes underfilling.
And with tyres, it makes the strategy more competitive.
And I am not saying these to be compulsory, it shall be optional.
And character names, it comes at a cost just not worth it. If you customise a character, you have to compromise the performance, other wise you may have to go to a race with both drivers having same name along with few staffs to.