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New Driver Attributes.

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medal 5000
12 years 14 days ago (edited 12 years 14 days ago)
Most people who watch F1 have a common bond... The driver.

This is because they are all made differently and have their own styles / traits / charisma and so on.. So this should be reflected in the game..

Prost was never near Senna in the wet.. No matter how much experience or training he had.

So how about some of the attributes locked to give the drivers some sort of personalities in the game?

This is how it works.

As each driver is made out of 20 different attributes and each bar 2 can be trained up to level 20. This is giving the chances that their will be multiple teams with young tallent 20 drivers with each stat at 20. (I know the issue with some stats making the drivers slower and the possibility of " hidden " stats.)

So why not lock 15 of the stats at random and have 1 of the stats with a low of 17 and the rest made out of 18's to 20's.

So 165 are availiable to train out of the 180 total.

I have taken 2 drivers and given them the stats on how I think they might look in iGP. (These are my personal views on the attributes.. All of the stats are correct as far as I could make out.)

Locked attributes are indicated by the red part at the end of the bar.


These attributes can be linked with all aspects of iGP.

High wet weather and composure would help with changing weather conditions and give you better laps on the wrong tyres where as lower stats would increase the % of bad lap times and hinder in and out laps...

Higher charisma would help with sponcership deals and could open up the option of personal driver sponcers.. (Just like in real life. Drivers bring their own sponcers to the teams.)

It would give you more variety in setting up of the car and add a lot more aspects to the game.

I could add more, but you get the idea.

So what do you think?
medal 5000
12 years 14 days ago
I agree it's more realistic, but it would annoy the crap out of me to say the least. Unless I knew before hiring the driver which stats would lockout on him that is haha, but that would defeat the entire purpose of what you're saying I suppose XD
medal 5000
12 years 14 days ago
No no.. You would see the locks before you signed them..

I just put how 2 pro drivers would look in iGP.

but stats of 5 could have a lock at 19 and have a small red line at the end to let you know that they can only be trained up to that point.

So it makes signed them down to the manager on how they would like the team make up.
medal 5000
12 years 14 days ago
Oh right, then in that case I like the idea.
medal 5000
12 years 13 days ago
I've also always thought drivers weight should be capped by height. I know people can weigh different amounts but like, it does seem silly having 190cm tall guys in this game being 51kg XD
medal 5000
12 years 13 days ago
medal 5000
12 years 5 days ago (edited 12 years 5 days ago)
I personally would rather have the Tallent scrapped..

When you think about it properly. ...   Tallent is all of the attributes split up is it not ?

Lewis Hamilton was the new gods gift to racing... Yeah he is quick but he won't be the best in every aspect of racing will he ?

Where does the saying "He is the king in the wet !" come from?

So locking attributes and not letting each driver go to 20 makes more sense... To me it does.

It also opens out for managers to pick the correct driver for their team and not "He's got a good name with tallent 20. I'll have him." The direction you want to take your team will be the way you pick your driver(s)

I need cash, So I want someone with higher charisma over other attributes because they will give you better % towards your sponcers..

I want a driver to be dominant in wet and changing weather and hope to score good points in the dry weather.. So you pick wet weather 20's and Fast / Slow corners locked at 19's..

I would also like to see drivers with their own flaws. (Each driver must have 1 attribute locked at 17.) All real life driver has 1 aspect where they can not train above their own tallent... even if it's small things of not relating well with the press..
medal 5000
12 years 5 days ago
the problem though, how do you implement this system when people already have drivers hired? if you added random ones to everyones drivers and it isn't the ones they want, that would be pretty disheartening to say the least.
medal 5000
12 years 5 days ago (edited 12 years 5 days ago)
Scrap all the ones that do not have current team is the 1st step.

Drivers age and they will all retire at some point.. Force all drivers in to retirement a couple of weeks after you announce the update is happening, thus giving managers time to start sorting for the update.

Yes it will effect in the short term.. No drivers last forever in this game and they all retire at some point.

Also. It would take a couple of months to sort, so if they said it was a good idea, they annouce it before they work on it. That would also save managers spend money on re-naming for the moment until the new ones are released.

The yda would still work as well for new drivers. You can have it where you are looking at certain aspects of a driver that you want...

Scouting new driver would open 1 slot for F2P and 3 slots for subscribers. Each slot is to look at 1 / 3 attribute(s) per race.

Each slot you want will give you 19's and 20's only in that part you are looking at.. The rest of the stats are hidden.. so that still throws up the element of suprise with 1 locked attribute at 17.

On the rare occasion, it will throw a 20, 20 and 20 for every attribute you are looking at. Like the current system, the most likely would be drivers with 1x 20 / 2x 19 and 2 x 20 1 x 19.

For me.. I would take all the attributes and say. How can I make something in the game that links with it... either that or link it to another attribute and work them together. Also, how can I make a F2P side of it and a Subscription side.

Easiest one.

Charisma.. I would also bring personal sponcers to the drivers.. Just like in real life. So not only does your team get sponcership, you driver gets smaller, personal ones too. ( Cut down the sponcership money to the Teams to balance it out.)

Also the sponcerships could come to you instead of the other way around. Thus saving the "Everyone click that the sponcer is fantastic and get 1.5 mill each race." The more charisma they have, the better offers you get.

1 slot for Free to play and 2 slots for the subscribers. but the 2nd slot reduces by 50% :)

The sponcership starts at the begining of the season and runs the duration.. but the sponcership comes to you.. You could get 4 offers at the start of the season (6 for subscribers.) and these could payout more for over a season and less on the wins... or the other way around.


£1.000.000 for the season with each race paying £5000 - top 10. 20.000 podium 50.000 for a win.


£500.000 for the season and higher top 10's / Podiums / Wins..

Charisma will add to how much you get offered. So someone who is Free to play and is at 7000 rep will still get higher offers, but the subscribers will get an extra 5% on top. :)

As I said. It would stop the current system of picking the top answer to get to the 1.5 Mill each race.
medal 5000
11 years 359 days ago
big problem there...u cant train someone up that high no more with them locking training to a timer plus not til after the next race....u'd have to renew contract several times and by then ur losing money due to high ass fees to ur driver

medal 5000
11 years 359 days ago
big problem there...u cant train someone up that high no more with them locking training to a timer plus not til after the next race....u'd have to renew contract several times and by then ur losing money due to high ass fees to ur driver

medal 5000
11 years 359 days ago
big problem there...u cant train someone up that high no more with them locking training to a timer plus not til after the next race....u'd have to renew contract several times and by then ur losing money due to high ass fees to ur driver

Ehh ??? I don't know what bit you are about about...

The personal contracts or the main ones in general... I'm not to sure what part you are on about. Sorry.
medal 5000
11 years 359 days ago
Aaron, If I have understood your are losing money because the drivers are earning so much.

Either you are paying them too much or you are not getting enough from your sponsors. Let me know which and I can advise you
medal 5000
10 years 206 days ago
I really like this idea.
medal 5000
10 years 206 days ago (edited 10 years 206 days ago)
This is a great idea, as had been said above thoughwhat will happen to already maxed out drivers in teams?

Bit  by bit a picture is being created of what the ULTIMATE f1 manager game should be, igp is by far the best out there (I know some older manager f1 games were good too).  I think this is the best becuase unlike other companies who have limited funds, they have kept some areas simple (graphics for the racing) and have really but some effort into the content we have here (off track things). Compare that to the pole postion series of f1 manager games, they are packed full of content but most of it is pointless and most of the time I'm left clueless as to what the hell I'm meant to be doing.

IGP Manger is simple,yet has got content in the corect areas for a manger game and atleast we have a 100% understanding of what our goals are on the game and what we have to do to achieve them which is more than can be said for the majority of f1 manager games.

I have no interst in EVER buying a codemasters f1 game again since I respect the physics is setup to suit a wider variety of people than just pure sim racers (I'll buy them when they're dirt cheap most liekly). That would all change if they implemented a manager mode into the game, create a team and become team boss.

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