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Sell T20A25L17

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medal 5007
5 years 187 days ago (Last edited by Павел Корнеев 5 years 187 days ago)
Kwiatkowski age 25 talent 20 level 17
Wages 512k, who wonna buy him
 im wonna know how change his wages after sales
medal 5000
5 years 187 days ago
As far as I know you cant change his wages unless his contract is up then he says what he wishes and u say yep or no. Be nice to put drivers wages al done to lowest number then ur money would go infinity and ur staff for that matter.
medal 5000
5 years 187 days ago
Add him to your shortlist, so you can see where he goes
medal 5007
5 years 186 days ago

Add him to your shortlist, so you can see where he goes

Tnx but i know that))

Finally, after buy with 9token his wage changed to1.1kk
One way have pilote with low wages its buy his with low lvl. Ideal 4lvl, his wages 310-350k
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