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Rain setup

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medal 5000
5 years 212 days ago
Què has intentat fer?
I made a setup for a raining race. Three pit stops with Inter. Also, if the rain was more than 3.0, change to Wed. I was not sure how rain would fail

Què ha succeït en el seu lloc?
The rain had been more than 3, my driver did all the race with Inter. Did not change to Wed

Sobre quina connexió ha succeït el problema? Quan s'usa la Wi-Fi, les dades mòbils o en ambdues?

On ha tingut lloc el "bug"; en l'app, en el PC o en ambdós?

Quin és el model del teu dispositiu?

De quin sistema operatiu disposa?

Quin és el nº de versió del sistema operatiu?

Es pot reproduir el "bug"?

Comentaris addicionals
medal 5001 Super Mod
5 years 195 days ago
Hi Jordi,
Yes, this is a known bug of the current advanced strategy settings. If you select intermediates as base tyres and wets starting from a certain amount of water, the game will never put you on those wets. It's as if it thinks "he has already chosen a type of non-dry tyres himself, I don't have to do anything anymore".
Devs are aware about the problem, it is being looked into, but I can't promise you any fix date yet.
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