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Sugestion to the game

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medal 5000
5 years 213 days ago
Any tips to improve the game, We're out of players.
1 - Temperature and rain control;
2 - Create league only if level 20;
3 - Indicate new drivers the existing leagues according to the race time and number of drivers he wants to create one for him.
4 - More DC with main attributes in the market.
5 - Better tire fit today, 90% of the races, we only use the S (Soft), the strategies become standard, without emotion in the races.
medal 5000
5 years 213 days ago
1 - Temperature and rain control;

Is that you Bernie? (Bernie Ecclestone, former FIA "boss". He suggested installing sprinklers on the track to create artificial wet races)

I think that is horrible. We currently have real time weather, that means you have to check the weather before and possibly during the race. Controlling it your self only take one more variable out of the equation that separates a good manager from a bad.

2 - Create league only if level 20;

Why? How long does it take to be level 20? A year or more? That's an insane amount of time. Everyone can see the level of the league owner before they join so I don't see the problem?

3 - Indicate new drivers the existing leagues according to the race time and number of drivers he wants to create one for him.

I have no Idea what you are suggesting here, sorry :S

4 - More DC with main attributes in the market.

You mean CD (Chief Designer)? I find plenty of good ones every day, but then I am low level and don't know if it is more difficult at higher level. Although I rather they make the lesser attributes more attractive to make more strategies competitive, not only focusing on the big 4.

5 - Better tire fit today, 90% of the races, we only use the S (Soft), the strategies become standard, without emotion in the races.

Again, I am low level so Cant really speak about this other than that I see lots of different strategies in the numerous races I watch. But if it really is a problem, I am all for tweaking the compounds. The only tyre I personally didn't find the use for is the Hard tyre, but I'm only basing that on 8 races and my league is 50% x2. I can imagine a bigger use of them in 100% races.
medal 5000
5 years 213 days ago
Cris.. responding
1 - The temperature in real time, we do not have for example rain in the middle of the race, or in the end .. These events are rare. so the option or probability of manual rain would be interesting ..

2 - The reason is simple. Today we have a lot of empty leagues and few floods .. the cool thing is to run with friends in full league .. simple as that. Anyone creating leagues will not be able to complete them easily. Already playing for many years I am level 20 with several teams. and I see even more experienced friends with this difficulty.

 3 - Just let the game direct lower-level creators to existing leagues. avoiding excessive creation of leagues in the game.

4 -  When you race against experienced drivers, you need a top team, that includes the CDs. Later you will understand that.

The game has some tricks and actions that favor you. Nothing unfair, but yes. optional.

5 - Again I say, later you will understand and see that what is worth in the race is the time, and when it comes to tires, today, the best set and number of pit stops, makes that within a few seasons, the strategies are always the same. same, with no variations within the race, making the game lose its fun ... So it is important that the H (hard) Tire be competitive again and the S (soft) less.

Venha brincar na minha liga. Alcançar a elite e tentar vencer. você se atreve .. e você vai ver o que é ser competitivo.
medal 5000
5 years 213 days ago
1 - The temperature in real time, we do not have for example rain in the middle of the race, or in the end .. These events are rare. so the option or probability of manual rain would be interesting ..
It never changes during the race? oh that's a shame, I was looking forward to races where everyone had to panic pit to put on wets due to unexpected rainfall. So right now the weather will always be what it is when the race start? I think I still prefer that than presetting the weather. But, perhaps the option to be able to do it for some special occasions could be fun, I am 50/50 on this idea.

I still don't understand the problem. Nobody have to join those inactive leagues, so I don't see the harm.

4 -  When you race against experienced drivers, you need a top team, that includes the CDs. Later you will understand that.
Yea I understand your point here. Having a bad CD will make you start the next season behind the others. I was suggesting that they make attributes such as reliability and cooling more useful than they are now, then there would be more available good CD's automatically.

So it is important that the H (hard) Tire be competitive again and the S (soft) less.
Since you are so experienced, I will take your word for it. And I agree that they should tweak those compounds to offer a greater variety of competitive strategies.

Come play in my league. Reach the elite and try to win. you dare .. and you will see what it is to be competitive.
I will at best be in elite in 3-4 seasons, but then I need some time to level up as well, but I will remember your invitation and take you up on it later :)

medal 5000
5 years 213 days ago
I have been in a race when we had to change to inters after the race start, so it can change mid race.
medal 5000
5 years 212 days ago
I have had multiple races go dry to rain to dry to rain.  It sucks if you pit a lap before it changes but it adds a lot of variability to the game. 
medal 5000
5 years 212 days ago
@Andrew @Dirk

Cheers, yeah I read it again and I misread what Nadroz wrote. He said it happens rarely. But if it is based on real world weather then it should happen just as often as in real life, right?

I have only entered 9 races so far but I check several weather reports before every race, I think it is extremely exciting and wish for mixed weather every time. 

I do see the appeal with being able to set the weather ingyour self, but then it will also take away the excitement with the uncertainty and be the best manager to predict what the weather is going to do during the race. I am thinking of trying to find some real time weather radars and have it on my secondary screen while I race :D I guess that would be most beneficial in 100% x1 races
medal 5000
5 years 212 days ago

Any tips to improve the game, We're out of players.
1 - Temperature and rain control; If in fact you're suggesting managers control whether conditions, that'll be a big no for a lot of reasons that would take me off topic to name any of them.
2 - Create league only if level 20; We have such leagues already; most of them include the word "legends" in their league names. 
3 - Indicate new drivers the existing leagues according to the race time and number of drivers he wants to create one for him.  Aaah.... yes....this has been...and continues to be an ongoing issue with the league search filter.
4 - More DC with main attributes in the market. I think I like it the way it is bc it encourages managers to be more involved and creative thus making races yet more unpredictable.
5 - Better tire fit today, 90% of the races, we only use the S (Soft), the strategies become standard, without emotion in the races.  Absolutely!! However, let's not do that any time soon please!!!!!..... We have so many bugs, on going issues and new fixer uppers that introducing more changes will just add chaos to an already chaotic games. 

medal 5000
5 years 212 days ago
If you do simulate weather it could be that you don't get any forecast at all. Only maybe a percentage that a weather change may occur (which may even change during the race. Also a bit of light rain could be simulated, which will make tyre strategies more difficult since there's no way of knowing how the weather may change). That way no one will hopefully have an advantage and can predict the weather beforehand. 

But on the other hand I like the idea of having real weather, too. It only seems like the weather provider sometimes doesn't comply with real life weather which he's supposed to do.
medal 5000
5 years 212 days ago


Any tips to improve the game, We're out of players.
1 - Temperature and rain control; If in fact you're suggesting managers control whether conditions, that'll be a big no for a lot of reasons that would take me off topic to name any of them.
2 - Create league only if level 20; We have such leagues already; most of them include the word "legends" in their league names. 
3 - Indicate new drivers the existing leagues according to the race time and number of drivers he wants to create one for him.  Aaah.... yes....this has been...and continues to be an ongoing issue with the league search filter.
4 - More DC with main attributes in the market. I think I like it the way it is bc it encourages managers to be more involved and creative thus making races yet more unpredictable.
5 - Better tire fit today, 90% of the races, we only use the S (Soft), the strategies become standard, without emotion in the races.  Absolutely!! However, let's not do that any time soon please!!!!!..... We have so many bugs, on going issues and new fixer uppers that introducing more changes will just add chaos to an already chaotic games. 

Hamlet, you is the boss?
I need Talk with the Boss. he he he... I love this game.. and I will always want the best of him.

1 - Fine, but a race with more temperature variations would be very interesting.Of course, I don't know if it's easy to implement this. are just ideas
2 - about the leagues being empty, or having too many leagues created in a minute schedule. would you have any suggestions or solutions for this?
4 - Experienced drivers know that tire and engine attributes are weak for car development. These CDs are on the market without anyone buying them. That would just be a suggestion for improvement.
5 - What makes H so bad? What adjustment should be made? I think there is some attribute in%, so increasing or decreasing it could improve it .. but of course, I don't know the settings behind the screen .. it's just an idea.

What bugs do you have science that exists?

medal 5000
5 years 211 days ago
Viva BRAZIL!!   Thanks for the hug!  LOL!!!

1-it's not the temp variation the issue, we have that already. It's the idea that it's possible leagues will opt to scratch it off all together that doesn't sit well with me.

2-Yes, shorten the time such leagues stay floating around and maximize the algorithm used in leagues search filter for more relevant results.

3- you missed!!

4- Indeed! 

5- They are useless in the vast majority of circumstances. 

Bugs!?  ha ha!! read all about them! bugs
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