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Some questionable iGP math

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medal 5000
11 years 335 days ago
OK, some things simply don't add up, it's basic arithmetics. I take my driver Nieto and I look at his stats about his career. Here it is:

He raced for two teams, DenverF1 and Relentless Rusteze. If you take the number of finished races, wins, podiums, points, whatever and separate them between the two teams, it simply doesn't add up. For instance, it says he has 16 wins for me and 4 for DenverF1, but on the total wins it says only 19. So, which is it ? Surely it must be some programming bug somewhere.
medal 5000
11 years 335 days ago
Apparently when a race gets rolled back and say you won that particular race, the wins still show up for the teams but not for his personal profile, or something along those lines. It's a known bug and apparently on the list of things to fix.
medal 5000
11 years 335 days ago
Apparently when a race gets rolled back and say you won that particular race, the wins still show up for the teams but not for his personal profile, or something along those lines. It's a known bug and apparently on the list of things to fix.

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