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Driver named Joseph Goebbels

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medal 5388
5 years 164 days ago

We have a manager in our league with a driver named Joseph Goebbels

Since our admin is somewhat inactive and the manager doesn't react to our mails to rename the driver (in fact he extended his contract to 50 races after the mails) we would like the developers or admins of the game to step in. Delete the driver, ban the manager or whatever. We don't support this Nazi propaganda and like it to be resolved. 
The manager didn't write any propaganda, but his actions can not be tolerated. 
If you look closely, you can find a very obvious Nazi team under the former owners of this driver.

We hope you can help fast

Thank you very much for your help
medal 5000
5 years 164 days ago
I think he probably bought it like that and doesn't want to spend 5 tokens to rename it. Me personally didn't know this name, so I would have never noticed it!
I don't want to defend anyone, but I think the 'nazi team' in his history is where it's been renamed and he should be maybe punished idk. 
medal 5388
5 years 164 days ago
Yes I'm sure the nazi team did it and not him. But now it is his responsibility. I'm not accusing him to be a nazi. But he refuses to do something against it. Such stuff is not acceptable and it can't be in the interest of the igp developers. There can't be a stage for such a propaganda. I hope they will do something against it.

They could rename the driver if they like. ?
medal 5000
5 years 164 days ago
iGP should give him the tokens to rename it or rename it themselves I think
medal 5007
5 years 164 days ago (Last edited by Altair McGuire 5 years 164 days ago)
They should do it themselves. I don't know if he would use the tokens for this purpose. He gave him a new contract after we complained. I don't think he is the kind of guy who would use the tokens to rename ?
Just call the driver Firstname Lastname ?
medal 4938 Super Mod
5 years 164 days ago
I have flagged to support as a matter of urgency. 
This behaviour is unacceptable and I am sure that there will be an appropriate punishment/action taken by support.
medal 5388
5 years 164 days ago
Thank you ???
medal 5000
5 years 164 days ago
There shouldnt be any tolerance to people against law of governing structures like hitler alcapone escobar che guavera or julian assange...
medal 4938 Super Mod
5 years 164 days ago
There shouldnt be any tolerance to people against law of governing structures like hitler alcapone escobar che guavera or julian assange...

This behaviour is certainly not tolerated within the IGP community and I have now emailed him asking him to change the name. If he fails to do this within 48 hours, support will change the name for him. 
As I said before, this behaviour is not and never will be tolerated and the highest of punishments will always take place for offenders 
medal 5388
5 years 164 days ago

There shouldnt be any tolerance to people against law of governing structures like hitler alcapone escobar che guavera or julian assange...

This behaviour is certainly not tolerated within the IGP community and I have now emailed him asking him to change the name. If he fails to do this within 48 hours, support will change the name for him. 
As I said before, this behaviour is not and never will be tolerated and the highest of punishments will always take place for offenders 

Great. Thanks ?

medal 5000
5 years 164 days ago

There shouldnt be any tolerance to people against law of governing structures like hitler alcapone escobar che guavera or julian assange...

I’m not sure all those names belong together in the same context. Not trying to start any kind of debate as this isn’t the place to be hashing that kind of stuff out but I felt I had to point out there’s perspective involved
medal 5008
5 years 164 days ago
The person who named the driver that should be punished, not the person who currently has him
medal 5000
5 years 164 days ago

The person who named the driver that should be punished, not the person who currently has him

That'd be Sebastian Louette.
medal 5000
5 years 164 days ago

There shouldnt be any tolerance to people against law of governing structures like hitler alcapone escobar che guavera or julian assange...

Sorry, did I miss something? As of today, 'Julian Assange found guilty of breaching bail terms.'
medal 5007
5 years 163 days ago


The person who named the driver that should be punished, not the person who currently has him

That'd be Sebastian Louette.

Yes. This guy should be banned. 
But the current owner needs some punishment too. He is not willing to change the name.
medal 5008
5 years 163 days ago



The person who named the driver that should be punished, not the person who currently has him

That'd be Sebastian Louette.

Yes. This guy should be banned. 
But the current owner needs some punishment too. He is not willing to change the name.

He wouldn't want to spend 5 tokens just on changing a driver name someone else made. He might not even know it's a nazi propaganda driver name. Get the person who named the driver a suspension and just rename the person's driver. Bit unfair to give him a punishment for something he didn't do

medal 5388
5 years 163 days ago
He is German. He knows 10000%. After we send him the mails to do something about this, he extended the contract of the driver. The name has to be changed. Point. Do something please. Change it yourself. The name is still active, and i can't understand why there is a discussion about this ?
medal 4938 Super Mod
5 years 163 days ago
He has got 12 hours to change the name himself before the main people of IGP Manager step in. And after that, the name will have been non-voluntarily changed. We always give people 48hrs to make sure that they can be made aware that they have done something inappropriate incase they are not aware.
medal 5000
5 years 163 days ago
Folks, I did a quick search for Hitler:

There are several Hitler Teams and Adolf Hitler managers and various Sieg Heil and Heil Hitler combinations. Even worse. "Hilter did nothing wrong", "Hitler was innocent", "NSDAP", and so on. If we "ban" Goebbels, there is plenty of other stuff to address, too!
medal 5007
5 years 163 days ago

Folks, I did a quick search for Hitler:

There are several Hitler Teams and Adolf Hitler managers and various Sieg Heil and Heil Hitler combinations. Even worse. "Hilter did nothing wrong", "Hitler was innocent", "NSDAP", and so on. If we "ban" Goebbels, there is plenty of other stuff to address, too!

Would be perfect to get rid of this stuff too

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