Marche Edney medal 5000 11 years 362 days ago
When running a test run for driver, it doesnt show mistakes avg time , speed. i feel like im going in blind. i hope this is somthing that can be looked into.

Adam Drummond medal 5000 11 years 362 days ago
I'm having exactly same issues with test runs on both drivers.

Brett Wilson medal 5000 11 years 362 days ago
Ive read (on the forums) that this was disabled a while back and still is..... (will try find it and post for you)

Brett Wilson medal 5000 11 years 362 days ago
heres the link.. not much info.. http://igpmanager.com/play/?url=forum-thread/2421

Amelia Lyons medal 5165 11 years 362 days ago
Practice times are currently disabled due to an issue that is causing horrible simulator lag.