Not sure if this is working how it is intended or not but can we have the livery editer to not charge us twice for the same livery if we want to change the colour scheme.
So for example i think i have design 23 with 3 colours two being the same colour, i noticed i had one colour slightly wrong but in order to correct i have to spend another 4 tokens.
Could it be amended so once we have paid for a livery design we can then amend it in future without cost. (So far can only do that with design number 1)
This could open it up to eventually buy all the liverys available. You could also make some charity special liverys or actual F1 car liverys to buy. A lot of people name teams after real F1 teams, so would be neat to have matching livery.
It would also mean if i wanted to run a pink race special in the league as a pride event or have a christmas special livery we could.
Similarly on helmets, many F1 drivers make a few changes during a season, I am thinking like tribute helmets. E.g the Lauda tributes we can run for a race in respect etc. If this could be another introduced customisation it would be cool.