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Replace Achievements Page

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medal 5000
5 years 195 days ago
I've mentioned this before but I've now found a place for it. I'd like to see a trophy room. Sure, it's great to win races and even claim a podium finish but apart from points, what do you get? Nothing other than a pretty picture of a trophy which vanishes as soon as you leave the race screen. 
I'd like to see the Achievements page, which is pretty pointless really, replaced with a Trophy Room where every trophy you win, whether a race top 3 or a Championship top 3, can be displayed for everyone to see and clicking on a trophy would reveal the race data.
I know some trophy rooms will be overflowing and some will be pretty bare but that's racing and looking at the trophy room would reveal a lot about a team which could be pretty handy, especially if someone is thinking of swapping leagues.
Please devs, give us a trophy room. It would give me something to study while I'm having my cancer treatment. 
medal 5005
5 years 195 days ago
I like this idea a lot. I'd be able to just have a good look at my best wins and all that, and be able to view other peoples trophy rooms via stats on manager profile. Maybe, we can keep the achievements, but have trophy room on the same tab as achievements (manager tab i think), or just have it completely separate. Having achievements in the game is always good and not having it we'd have nothing to progress to, almost. So keep achievements but add trophy room too. Also, good luck on beating cancer mate.
medal 5000
5 years 195 days ago

Paul you should create a poll with this thread as well. 
medal 5000
5 years 195 days ago
I agree. Sounds like a great feature!
medal 5000
5 years 195 days ago
We definitely could do with a trophy room rather than an achievements page. Once you have the achievement there is nothing else to go for but with a trophy room there is always something to strive for. 1st,2nd or 3rd in Constructors maybe even a smaller trophy room for the drivers for their individual placements would be good. Certainly something to be thought about. 
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