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Changed league before season..

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medal 5011
5 years 167 days ago
So, 2 days before season start in new League and I was still banned to run first race... I did race setup and all but still game did not let me participate. Why so? It kind of ruined the whole season as I did not get my points... Here in
medal 5000 Super Mod
5 years 167 days ago (Last edited by Kevin Bissell 5 years 167 days ago)
Hi Joni.
You competed in the Italian GP at 19:00 UK time on 19th August in your previous league F1 2018. Shortly after the race finished you quit F1 2018 and joined another league, FIA 1 Championship.

FIA 1 Championship race start time is 17:00 UK time, a couple of hours before your previous league. Because of the 24 hour rule you were ineligible to compete in their opening race of the season at 17:00 UK time on 20th August.
You were able to race in their second race (Malaysian iGP) earlier this evening because you were now outside the 24 hour rule.
See iGP Participation rule 1.7…  Rules & Regulations

I hope this helps explain things

Edit. I will set this thread to "Solved"
medal 5011
5 years 166 days ago
BS. There was extra day
medal 5000 Super Mod
5 years 166 days ago
Not really necessary to respond in that way but...

You joined FIA 1 Championship league on 19th August and their Australia race started the following day on August 20th at 17:00 BST.

But you had competed in the Italian iGP in your previous league on 19th August (just before you left), start time 19:00 BST, results posted at 19:37 BST.

So it's not B.S. it's because 17:00 BST on 20th August is less than 24 hours after 19:37 BST on 19th August.
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