Chris Trees medal 5000 11 years 359 days ago
I purchased some reward points, and yet they don't show on my profile. Is there something I am missing or do they take a few days to come through?

Jason Lee medal 5000 11 years 359 days ago
I purchased 1000 earlier on today and they took about 3 minutes to come through. Usually they are instant but idk, maybe give it a few hours just incase. How long ago did you purchase them?

Chris Trees medal 5000 11 years 359 days ago
About 10 minutes ago, but I also purchased 100 with my subscription and haven't recieved those yet either...

Atom Taifos medal 5000 11 years 359 days ago
make a helpdesk ticket and they will help u

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 359 days ago
Thank you Atom, that is the correct thing to do. Aaron will be delighted to assist you

Chris Trees medal 5000 11 years 359 days ago
Thanks for the help guys! It's all fixed now!