Jim Newton medal 5000 11 years 359 days ago
Just a quick question. Does driver talent affect how quick they develop in training?
In other words, the higher their talent, the faster they will develop their skills.

Jason Lee medal 5000 11 years 359 days ago
Not at all, but to be fair no one really knows what talent does but we are under the assumption it's very important, so always aim for a high talent driver.

Jim Newton medal 5000 11 years 359 days ago
Cheers Jason. Fastest reply ever. I just finished writing the post 10 seconds before your answer.

wouter de bruin medal 5000 11 years 359 days ago
Talent does what the developer thinks it does in real life. Think of examples like Hamilton being as quick as Alonso without experience @ McLaren.
What would that mean translated to the simulator?

Jason Lee medal 5000 11 years 359 days ago
@ Jim - Lol, I just coincidentally logged in and checked the forums -> new posts and yours was 30 seconds before or something, so thats why xD
@ Wouter - Not necessarily. I mean yeah logically you'd think that, but it's hard to say. I've personally always noticed that my higher talent drivers (generally speaking) seem to qualify better and more consistently than any low talent driver I've had, but this is all speculation. No one other than the devs really knows for sure. I've known plenty of fast low talent drivers too. The only thing I do know about talent really is that the higher the talent, the higher the speed graph. Only a 20 talent driver can have a maxed out speed graph.
None the less it's a static attribute, and the YDA is based around it, so surely it's important. There's so many on the market now I'd settle for nothing less than a 19.

Uncle Albert medal 5000 11 years 359 days ago
I know it's a long post, but have a read of this - http://igpmanager.com/play/?url=forum-thread/2612

Amelia Lyons medal 5165 11 years 359 days ago
Assumingly. Talent Raises the Cap of all attributes.

Uncle Albert medal 5000 11 years 359 days ago
I still think that tallent slot should be scrapped.. Tallent is made out of all of the attributes.. So having all of them and the tallent makes no sence...
All drivers are made up of different skills and that is what gives you the overall tallent..

Lee Will medal 5000 11 years 358 days ago
That's certainly an interesting point Rob, but quite often in F1 drivers will be judged on his talent from a previous series. (Although finances seems to play a bigger and bigger part). So I would assume we should look upon the talent as a general she/he did well in a previous series that isn't mentioned in the game. For example in karting he performed well and so on and so fourth. On paper he is a "talented" driver.

Daryl Ridley medal 5000 11 years 358 days ago
Unfortunately i suspect that like a lot of things in this game, talent means zippo. Was looking through driver stats just then and saw a level 14 driver with virtually maxed out speed and an almost 50% WIN record (yes WINs) with a talent of, wait for it, 1. Don't get me wrong as I am enjoying this game but after playing for a while I'm getting the feeling we are paying to play a pretty embryonic beta version here!

Jason Lee medal 5000 11 years 358 days ago
The win/loss record is irrelevant to a certain degree though. You don't know how tough his opponents were, how many opponents there were, what talent his opponents had and all sorts of things of this nature. Unless you're racing in a competitive league with 32 opponents who run similar design, it's hard to judge.

Marche Edney medal 5000 11 years 358 days ago
in my league we have half and half .. ppl racing with around 1 to 5 talent while other are racing with talent that in the range od 15 to 17. most of the time out of the top 5 the person that win has the talent of 17 or higher now he like 4 level ahead of us so i guess he doesnt count for now. but everyone esle is around level 4. second place has a talent of 17 3rd and 4th are the ones with 1 to 5 talent and 5th place is around i think like 13. Like jason said if the manager are very strong and understand the game then having a talented driver would see better results. in the edn i think when all driver in a league have maxed out stats it will come down to who has the better stragey.

Uncle Albert medal 5000 11 years 358 days ago
That's certainly an interesting point Rob, but quite often in F1 drivers will be judged on his talent from a previous series. (Although finances seems to play a bigger and bigger part). So I would assume we should look upon the talent as a general she/he did well in a previous series that isn't mentioned in the game. For example in karting he performed well and so on and so fourth. On paper he is a "talented" driver.
But like I have said before. Prost and Co couldn't touch Senna in the rain no matter how much they drove in it.
Senna came to Europe from Brazil with very little experience of wet conditions where as Prost had it from a very early stage in karting, being from Europe.
With the YDA everyone will have tallent 20's with training up to 20's in the attributes... Attribute capping randomly would give driver a personality..
Every driver has their limits.
RobertSamuel van Prooijen medal 5000 11 years 357 days ago
so.. higher talent gets better results? how does it work!??

Eton Fed medal 5000 11 years 357 days ago
Well, the YDA is designed around drivers talents, so I assume it's important. If it wasn't important they wouldn't include it is my theory.

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 11 years 357 days ago
I race in Speed Series and in Formula GP. In Speed Series there are 20 cars, has lower reputation and usually there are 3-4 2D users each race. I have very good drivers there. Formula GP has better reputation, I race against a full grid, around 10 2D users each race, good managers and I have untrained drivers there, 17 talent, stamina not full, speed around 12-13. I have better results with those drivers. I suspect hidden attributes play a part in drivers' performance.

Eton Fed medal 5000 11 years 357 days ago
It's hard to compare drivers in different leagues though. I suppose like that you'd have to compare qualifying times against each of your teams to get a rough idea, and even then they are only relevant if both your teams have similar design.

RobertSamuel van Prooijen medal 5000 11 years 356 days ago
The best test would be 2 drivers with the same team and strategy, one has speed but no talent, the other has talent but lacks speed. that would really prove a point.
I dislike how there is unclarity about this subject while it is a part of the skills.

Fatmir Aysev medal 5000 11 years 356 days ago
actually the best test would be to have both drivers trained identically and talent being the only difference. you cant compare drivers if they are trained differently.

RobertSamuel van Prooijen medal 5000 11 years 355 days ago
yes all things same except talent. that's what i meant, im my mind it looked obvious sorry.
maybe a mod or something could clarify this topic a bit more?