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Help with recording races

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medal 5000
5 years 185 days ago (Last edited by Chris Py 5 years 185 days ago)
EDIT: I did eventually figure it out. /EDIT

So who is recording their races? Do you have any software to recommend (windows 10)?

I mainly wan't to record my own races to be able to evaluate my own performance better. I have never used any sort of recording software before, made a quick google search and found a program called OBS Studio which I just installed and now playing around with but I can't seem to add the correct source (adding the url to the race, will oddly start record instead of the actual race.

So if anyone have any pointer with OBS or can recommend something else that you think is better it would be greatly appreciated. I am sure I will figure it out in a bit but right now I am almost having an Angry German Kid -moment  :D 
medal 5004
5 years 185 days ago
Stream it on twitch? Idk
medal 5000
5 years 185 days ago
I might stream when/if I become good at this game. Right now I only want to record for personal use.
medal 5000
5 years 185 days ago
Just record the screen.. should work.
medal 5000
5 years 185 days ago

Just record the screen.. should work.

Cheers mate, I eventually changed language to English and figured it out. It is funny how it is easier to understand English than the language you have spoken since birth :S

New season starting today, I think this will help me a lot for the future :)
medal 5000
5 years 184 days ago
Where are you streaming? I’d like to see
medal 5000
5 years 184 days ago

Where are you streaming? I’d like to see

I am not streaming, my intention is to keep a video record for my personal use. 

I was going to upload it to youtube but I completely messed  up my first race because the thought of someone possibly watching my n00bness stressed me out so much so when I had to recalculate how much to fuel my cars at the first stop I put a full lap to little in one car and I didn't realize it until it was too late and both cars went into the pit at the same time. Then I messed up adjusting the fuel again so ended the race with +3L in one car and had to do an extra  pit on the other. haha I  even forgot to use up my KERS on the last lap. I finished 3rd and 11th, though such an epic fail
I re-watched it once and then deleted it in shame lol

I might upload once I started to not suck and it is actually worth watching without it being for comedic relief. There are plenty of people who upload their races but they are actually GOOD and you can learn something from them. I really see no need for anyone to watch my races...

But you can always spectate my races, just don't tell me if you are or I will fudge up lol
medal 5000
5 years 183 days ago


But you can always spectate my races, just don't tell me if you are or I will fudge up lol


Important note, don’t recalculate fuel and please put in YouTube that could help your league and the whole IGP community 
medal 5000
5 years 183 days ago
I am still learning how much the push level change the fuel consumption so If I end one stint with 1l+ excess fuel ofcourse I have to recalculate. I have done that in every race since i started this game and it always worked out fine. This time i messed up because the recording stressed me out.

so why don't you upload your races to help the community? :P When I get a bit better and not making fool out of my self, I might upload.
medal 5000
5 years 183 days ago

I am still learning how much the push level change the fuel consumption so If I end one stint with 1l+ excess fuel ofcourse I have to recalculate. I have done that in every race since i started this game and it always worked out fine. This time i messed up because the recording stressed me out.

so why don't you upload your races to help the community? :P When I get a bit better and not making fool out of my self, I might upload.

Don’t have time :
medal 5000
5 years 183 days ago

Don’t have time :

Well I recorded your last race for you, want me to upload it? :D
medal 5000
5 years 183 days ago
No please
medal 5000
5 years 183 days ago
hehe ok :)
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