Jonathan Garay medal 5000 11 years 355 days ago
Before the race, I strategized using wet inter tyres on all my stints. However, come race time, my car was listed as having hard tyres equipped. In an effort to change back, I pitted my driver selecting wet again, but my team fitted hard tyres once again. What is going on? Does my pit team need training on what tyres to use?

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 11 years 355 days ago
can you give race id or something to help the devs find out the race stats a bit quicker?

Jonathan Garay medal 5000 11 years 354 days ago
North American Evening Series, Race 7 (Turkey), Rookie. Does that help or am I looking for a different id?

Bertram Redmeijer medal 5000 11 years 354 days ago
Did you use "advanced strategy" to plan the wet tyres? And did it actually rain?
It could be that you had stipulated in "advanced stategy"(by default, not by you setting this) that as soon as it became dry, the driver would switch to hard tyres. Manually switching to wet would then make your crew switch back to hard - unless you uncheck the "follow weather strategy" box.