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new league needs players

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medal 5000
11 years 316 days ago
hi i have just created a new league called GB cup. we only have 2 players at the moment and it seems difficult to attract people to the league. anyone have any tips on recruting new players?
medal 5000
11 years 316 days ago
It's not easy because there are so many league already out there..

Why not just join another league ? There are many out there... These leagues with just a handful of people should be stopped !!!

The league I am in run 3 times per week, so it's not like you have set it up with no other leagues running them kind of days.
medal 5000
11 years 313 days ago
i cant find a league that runs on days im not in work. thats why i decided to pay for the game and create my own league
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