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Join our league!

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medal 5000
4 years 236 days ago
Hi all!

I have a league that I have recently started to host and I'm trying to fill all 3 divisions.

At the moment the filters wont bring up my league so I'm not getting anybody in rookie but still persevering.

Please join and make the league competitive.
medal 5118
4 years 234 days ago
you guys want to merge into us,

Race duration-100% 
Race Everyday 
Speed. 2.0 
Time, 7-30 UK time. 
2 days off-season.

This is our main league 

IGP eSport Online Racing League

MTWTFSS at 19:30
100% race distance igp-car 2 cars per team 2.0x race speed
See league
medal 5000
4 years 233 days ago
Hi Nathaniel. I'm starting to think the filters are fixed to give precedent to higher reputation leagues.

If that's the case it'll purge so many leagues including this one I'm trying to build.

Not sure how it can be done but I'm thinking it'll be best to give those in my league the option to join yours.
medal 5118
4 years 232 days ago
Thank you, your all are welcome 
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