Instead of Dark Sky. An RNG should be used. % chance of everything happening. With sensible numbers of course.
RNG will reduce the difference between managers who put in work to prepare and those who just play casually. Do we really want that?
Being able to predict the weather is one thing, having it change during the race is another. The problem I'm trying to identify is I have never ever had to change from Dry to Wet compound during a race. Ever.
You must have just been unlucky. I only played for about two months now and I had several of those races where the conditions changed during the race. Since iGP uses real time weather, it will be exactly the same probability it happens in the game as it happens in real life. Though are you running 50% length and 2x speed, your races might often be over too quick to catch it (that speed and length is however how I caught the changeable weather at least three times) . I bet you'll experience it more if you ran 100% and 1x speed.
I am against an rng weather because of the facts that you cant forecast it. I would however, consider it if iGP made their own weather service with forecasts to a virtual weather where it changed more often. I really love changeable weather and I tend to improve compared to the average manager. So yeah that would possibly be my spin on it.