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No difference what tires you use

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medal 5000
11 years 306 days ago
I dont see much difference in what tirs you chose for the races. They last longer or shorter times but in terms of lap speeds there is no noticeable difference. Same goes for Wets and intermediates when it stops raining. You hardly need to change as they last just as long on dry as on wet surface it seems. Seems like you have overseen a very important factor...
medal 5000
11 years 306 days ago
I'm surprised somebody who has done 23 races says this. There's a lot of difference between tyres, especially in different temperatures. 
medal 5000
11 years 306 days ago
Takes a while to analyze things. Have seen this especially in wet conditions. Last race it started to rain 20-25 laps from the end. All switched tires to wet or intermediates, after about 8 laps the rain stopped. I changed, deliberatly too soon and stayed out on soft slicks for the remainder of the race. 7-8 laps before the checkered it started raining again. I did not change back to wets and did the same laptimes in the rain on softs slicks. So dont tell me there is alot of difference!
medal 5000
11 years 306 days ago
I have also noticed that temepratures does not have that much impact, apart from how long tires last. I have seen Hard tires coming on in 5-6 degrees doing the same laptimes, and faster than soft slicks, right away. So you tell me........
medal 5000
11 years 306 days ago
I find there is a lot of difference in the tyres.

For example, I have seen that hards take a while to heat up which means lap times will be slower than softs at a similar temp.

We had a race last night where there was an immediate difference in the wet tyres on a wet track. Inters were the immediate wrong choice and I overtook a few cars on the straight as I had full wets on. Granted I haven't had the experience on a drying track so I can't comment on that.

Whilst a point-to-point analysis might suggest that softs and hards end up being at a similar position after x-number of laps, its the fact that the softs might have had a 5-6 second lead after 10 laps and then lost pace after then for the hards to catch up.
medal 5000
11 years 306 days ago
Clark, Exactly what  you are saying is what I am looking for and not seeing. Maybe I am just in a leauge with crap cars (mine included) and it doesn't show that much. After all, as Jaap pointed out I have only done 23 races. But what I have described I have seen on more than one occasion. Especially in my last race where I stayed out on softs in pouring rain doing the same lap times.

medal 5000
11 years 305 days ago
Are you still using the default tire supplier Alex?
medal 5000
11 years 305 days ago
Tgere is ALOT of difference period.
medal 5000
11 years 305 days ago
No I am not using the default supplier. I changed becuase I thought it would make a difference but that is where my dissapointment didn't....or at least I did not see the difference

medal 5000
11 years 305 days ago
there is a difference in tyres, but to really notice it, putting on hard tyres on a track that is good enough for soft tyres take alot longer to heat up to remain heated up and to offer the substantial grip you would expect. it has been my experience that if you also use soft tyres on a track that is only useful for hard tyres, you will be telling your drivers to back off the pace for the tyres to survive long enough and keeping them from quickly overheating, even then some races you do and make that mistake the tyres continue to overheat even fully backed off.

you will notice the difference at some point, just not right away.
medal 5000
11 years 285 days ago
look at those in full wets were pulling 1:30 ish and those on inta's were on 1:40. 10 seconds a lap is a lot
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