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Double kers on smartphone!

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medal 4970
5 years 164 days ago
I've been playing this game for 3 years now and I still can't fight on equal terms with those managers who play on pc or tablet in Leagues with 2 cars per team. Don't you people think it's about time to sort this out somehow and make double kers possible on smartphone too? The game should be the same on all devices to be a fair game. Or just make it impossible to do on pc and tablet as well?

Just do something.
medal 5000
5 years 164 days ago
Agree, there should be something like a double KERS switch, when we want to use the 2 at the same time, turn it on and the button works for both...
medal 5000
5 years 163 days ago
I agree !!! 
medal 5000
5 years 163 days ago
Amen!!! It`s flipping and frustrating!!!!!
medal 5000
5 years 155 days ago
I agree because it is unequal under certain conditions, especially at the end of the race
medal 4443
5 years 155 days ago
they won't do it because the mobile phone screens are too small for 1 more button.
medal 5000
5 years 155 days ago

they won't do it because the mobile phone screens are too small for 1 more button.

Really? There isn't space for one small button?

medal 4443
5 years 154 days ago

they won't do it because the mobile phone screens are too small for 1 more button.

Really? There isn't space for one small button?

I've always believed there was, but I guess the devs think otherwise.

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