Krneki sem medal 5000 13 years 83 days ago (edited 13 years 83 days ago)
I\'d like to suggest a better pit stop logic.
Right now the driver will pit when out of fuel. I better and more intuitive strategy would be to define a lap to pit, regardless of tire or fuel level. As an added feature you could decide to define an earlier pit based on tire status.
So the strategy tab should be like this:
Stint : Lap to pit : Fuel : Tire
start : / : 40 : Soft
1 : 20 : 40 : Soft
2 : 40 : 40 : Soft

René van der K medal 5000 13 years 83 days ago
Good thinking, but if I remember correctly it was specifically designed to not work like you suggest, simply because it would be too easy.. The current system requires a bit more manager skills, which leaves room for mistakes, which makes the races more dynamic .

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 13 years 83 days ago
yes I think you are correct Rene - there was a lot of discussion about this in early development

Ti Papak medal 5000 13 years 83 days ago
Ah, thanks fro the info. Makes sense now.