Darrell Chasse medal 5000 11 years 336 days ago
I don't have Young Driver Academy yet, however it has come to my attention that you cannot name the drivers you develop in YDA. Is this true? If so, please enable this option.

Eton Fed medal 5000 11 years 336 days ago
You can change their names when they are still in the YDA. It costs 500 reward points.

Felix Kowalski medal 5000 11 years 335 days ago
Still haven't got it but it'll be fun... how will you name it?

Felix Kowalski medal 5000 11 years 335 days ago
I think I'll call him Chuck Norris ;)

Jason Lee medal 5000 11 years 335 days ago
I name all my drivers after real F1 drivers XD Bad habit, because now I don't feel right if I don't, so I'll be wasting a fair few reward points doing it XD

Uncle Albert medal 5000 11 years 335 days ago
You should have it so they are like Pro Evo Soccer and because they don't hold the actual licences in some of the league.. They make up names that are as close as can be.
Sebastian Metal.
Lewis Hammerton.
Mark Wibber
Philip Aymassa.
Jenson Buffon.
and so on. :D

Hao Lu medal 5000 11 years 335 days ago
@Rob Musgrove it's fantastic... go ahead:
Jimmo Glock
Charles Chic
Giedo van der Murde
Max Schilton
Michael Fenstermacher
Nico Rosebreuge

Panuruj Pongsuthirak medal 5000 11 years 186 days ago
Daniel Laakso
Nathan de Backer
Paul Ramirez
Juho Mansell
the name that were reported to be glitched out a couple of months ago. And the Portuguese driver name for drivers who are 20 or younger have an English surname, WTF???