Hamlet Rodriguez medal 5000 5 years 117 days ago (Last edited by
Hamlet Rodriguez 5 years 116 days ago)
- Is your league having trouble meeting promotion criteria?
- Are you getting bored of lack of competition?
- Do all your active players want to stay together?
- Do you want to increase how much XP points you get?
- Are you willing to make some compromises to be in an active league?
If you answer "yes" to any of these questions, you owe it to yourself to consider merging with us. PM me and we'll get the ball rolling.
MTWTFSS at 16:50 |
100% race distance igp-car 2 cars per team 2.0x race speed |
| Rookie | Pro | Elite |
Teams | 9 | 6 | 12 |
Reputation | 5061 | 5260 | 5115 |
See league
Hamlet Rodriguez medal 5000 5 years 103 days ago (Last edited by
Hamlet Rodriguez 5 years 101 days ago)
A merge can be the difference between having self sustainability within a league and being one season away from total collapse.
Why wait to get to that point?
Join us and let's help each other to have a self sustainable league.
Hamlet Rodriguez medal 5000 5 years 97 days ago
There's no reason to race with little competition or inactive players. Merging with us might be just what the Doctor order for your league.