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Suggestion: encourage in-game trading

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medal 5000
11 years 296 days ago (edited 11 years 296 days ago)
Right now, the only 'trade-able' goods I can think of is staff, especially drivers. So my suggestion is this:
The trading of drivers, for reward points.

Right now, one team can only release a driver, not 'send it'. High level managers with a YDA could collect a bit more reward points this way, as lower level managers would get top talent drivers. 

Ideally you'd have this possibility for in-game money too, not just reward points, but there would be no stopping managers from making satellite teams and selling lvl 1 drivers to rake in a lot of money.  

In-game trading would make it feel more like an MMO, not just competing with eachother but also on a different level.

 Inspiration: World of Warcraft auction house
medal 5000
11 years 296 days ago
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