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Config save for 2D settings

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medal 5000
11 years 287 days ago
Every time I enter a race I need to check the settings boxes for full detailed timing charts, no chat overlays etc.....

It would be kind if they where saved in a config file so that they are set upon startup.
medal 5000
11 years 286 days ago
Bill, you are absolutely correct and this will be deployed, once the simulator issues have been resolved.
medal 5000
11 years 286 days ago
Yeah, would be nice little touch. 

Would it also be convenient to save things like setup and strategy (from last years race), as well as advanced strategy (every race I put both cars on full wets)?
medal 5000
11 years 285 days ago
Yeah, would be nice little touch.

Would it also be convenient to save things like setup and strategy (from last years race), as well as advanced strategy (every race I put both cars on full wets)?

You load Setups and strategy from any of your previous seasons by Hitting the load button right above your pit strategy.
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