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A question of design...

Should the design algorithm be changed?

39.74% (31)
It is not broken, no change
24.36% (19)
Reduce next season dp generated by CD
3.85% (3)
Reduce in season dp generated by design HQ
19.23% (15)
Reduce dp generated by both CD & HQ
12.82% (10)
Other idea (post below)
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medal 5144 Super Mod
5 years 133 days ago
According to Jack's latest blog there are plans to reduce the season length to possibly 14 or 15 races. This will result in a reduced start of season design but personally I still believe that there is a strong argument to further limit both the start of season design and the "in season" design development.
To overcome the issue of all cars being at the design cap for Australia and maxed out after six or seven races, Liga de Leyendas are introducing an innovative rule that will see all managers hiring a L1 / L2 CD and then leaving and re-joining the league between seasons. This will result in a season starting design that has 9 dp in the six neutral design attributes, 13 in the CD strength and 4 in the CD weakness (total 71 dp instead of the approx. 400 we have using the current CD rules and a 20 race season).
This initiative should make allocation of dp and a good research strategy much more important than it currently is. It may also have a spin off benefit regarding the current big topic on the forum... qualifying.
So with this in mind my proposal would be to reduce the number of next season dp generated by the CD and also the number of dp generated by the Design HQ each race? A 5 star CD next season design per race could be reduced to 2 dp regular / 1 dp weak / 3 strength and Design HQ generated dp could be halved.
IMO, limiting the car design would allow more diversity and as a result would reward managers who balance their dp to optimise their cars to the circuit characteristics. A case of "less is more".
I am posting this poll to understand if my proposals would be welcomed by the wider community. If so maybe we can influence the developers. What do you think?
medal 5000
5 years 133 days ago
Kevin, Is this proposal despite the fact we're moving towards a 15 race season? 

A 15 race season imo won't max our car dp, allowing for more "diversify able" outcomes.  

I have't yet, but I feel I should vote for "it's not broken" since the devs are taking a shot at dealing with the "everyone-is-maxed" issue.  
Tbh, I like the idea of reducing in game dp, but that's assuming the system stays the same.  But we know it's about to change....that changes my pov as far what's the best road to take. Confusing mostly. 
medal 5144 Super Mod
5 years 133 days ago
Hi Memo.
I have calculated the start of season design based on a 15 race season and yes it is obviously a little lower than a 17 race season. But with a L20 design HQ I still think the big 4 will be maxed out two thirds of the way through the season.
IMO it doesn't matter if the maximum design you can achieve by the end of the season is only 400 out of a possible 800, it will be the same for everyone and the important part will be where you allocate those dp and how good is your research strategy.
Also, some managers are against a reduced number of races, should their opinion prevail and we don't reduce dp then we're in for a whole load of misery.
Finally, I don't know timescales for introducing custom calendars, maybe this is an easy to implement interim solution. I mean, as Jeremy Clarkson would say... Reducing the design per race of a CD, how hard can it be? LOL.
medal 5003
5 years 133 days ago
Yep, calculatin say - theritacl need 8 race to close big4
Practac its be 10-11race, or if dont concentrate to maximize downforce this scaled to six races.
Half season in maximal design of big 4, its not good
medal 5291
5 years 132 days ago
What we should do is Develop a part each race which will grant 4 of 8 design points automatically allocated. Each of the components specifically target a set of 4 Attributes, ie, Front Wing improves Downforce, Handling, Tyre Efficiency and Cooling. and then a 1DX is rolled (the x being the level of your Design Center). You are then produced with something like 5 Tyre Efficiency, 6 Handling, 3 cooling, 2 Downforce (if your level was 16). 
medal 5000
5 years 132 days ago
It's fine to say that we're heading for a 15 race season but that's up to the hosts to decide. Or in my leagues case, it's up to our members to decide because we'll have a vote on it and I'm pretty sure that it'll go the way of including all the races on offer. 
To force hosts into choosing a 14-16 race season so that top teams won't max out is rather unfair. I think that reducing the In Season DP is the best way to stop teams maxing out. If the devs reduce In Season DP so that even a 25 race season will allow teams to max out only with clever use of Research DP, it will benefit all leagues, those who choose to run fewer races and those who want to run every race possible.
So what if reducing In Season DP means that teams in leagues running a 15 race season will struggle to get even 75% towards maxing out? It's the same for all teams.
medal 5000
5 years 132 days ago
DP limit should be higher and so should be the number of races per season accordingly. I therefore voted for other.
medal 5144 Super Mod
5 years 132 days ago
Hi Johnny.
I think that increasing the cap for design would have exactly the same effect as limiting the dp available from CD and HQ (option 4). However, I believe your approach might be more difficult for the Devs to implement because it would involve modifying the cap for all three tiers and the simulator would need to be tweaked so that it would take account of design greater than 100.
If your method is easier to implement it is a good alternative solution to option 4.
medal 5003
5 years 131 days ago
I think implement incresed cap of design to 150 more dificult- its need recoding of simulator.
But recalculate gebed point of research more easy way - they need implement additional function to recalculate of according lenght season gives point of research
medal 5000
5 years 128 days ago
Hello everyone. I am the creator of League of Legends, I proposed some time ago in our league, leave at the end of each season and start in a new League with the most basic design, with values 1 on average .. our league right now is a " train "continued, there is a lot of managers and has become a monotonous league where the qulays are deciding in large part the final results, many managers are trapped in very bad positions because of the problems already known by most managers more experienced ... after my proposal, the current administrator Gian Michele Pisanu, proposed a great idea here already commented by Kevin ... we will begin our new season with 9 half statistics thanks to the re-entry with level 1 design manager ... I personally , I think that currently it cannot be reduced to 14/15 races to solve this problem by having 22 circuits since everyone has something special ... the problem in the car must be solved, so I p I wear an alternative option, which I also commented to Jack Basford for some time, and again in the post of "Nightmares Qualifications". My proposal is that each league administrator has the option after Abhu Dabhi, to reset the average values of the cars to 9/10 on average in all the statistics, or leave the cars as they are ... that each League decides what do by voting ... we should not harm some to favor others, we can all be happy with the game if things are done well. I hope that the google translator expresses my words well ... And please, think before voting, it is absurd to reach the Canadian GP at 100 in the big 4 and that you exceed 90 points in Abhu Dabhi, let's use the brain! regards
medal 5144 Super Mod
5 years 128 days ago
It seems that I should have limited the poll to two options, leave design alone or reduce it in some way. Up to now we have 37 votes, the majority appear to believe that design needs changing but can't agree how. So the 38% of people who believe we should leave it alone are in the majority.
To be fair, 37 votes is a very small sample and whatever the results there are not enough managers voting to influence the developers. For those of you who did make your feelings known... Thank you :-)
medal 5000
5 years 128 days ago
I believe that what we are going to do in Liga de Leyendas is a solution hardly applicable in other championships. Usually in many championships there is the domination of 1-2-3 teams, all seasons. Surely it is the teams that do the development well and that create a certain margin in the first races (7-8), after the results for them they go down, and the average ranking teams have the opportunity to do better, also thanks to better qualifications.
This is why I am not surprised that the survey does not go in the direction advocated by Kevin, it is normal that for some it is better to rely on chance than to be sure to leave behind due to inadequate development.
But this is a managerial game and the car development component, in my opinion, must be of great importance for a large part of the season. This is why I proposed the kind of solution that was mentioned, which is why 80% of managers supported this innovation.

I believe that the proposal by Ross Brawn, to insert a check so that the championship administrator can decide whether to start from zero or not, is absolutely acceptable. It does not alter any balance, it would simply become "another type of championship".

However, I understand that there is an important component that with the solution I proposed would fail: you cannot take advantage of other competitors by preparing the machine meticulously by alternating CDs adequately. In this regard, I would add that in a competitive league it is something that everyone does, so the advantages are not really there. With regards to this, Kevin's proposal would be useful: to reduce the design points of the CD in view of the following season. There are currently 2.5 for each race. Taking them for example to the value 1, one would also consider this component and the values of the car will start from 14-15.
medal 5000
5 years 128 days ago
An idea would be...managers cannot just max out the big 4have a link to the other keep acceleration aligned with tyre economy..neither 1 can be more than 5 levels above the other, this way no one can max out straight away.

medal 5000
5 years 127 days ago
The number of design points generated for the following season should be just based on a 16 or 17 race season and so if we have a 20 race championship the DP per race should be reduced.

It shouldn't be possible to have managers start a season with more than half the attributes at 50 in Elite.
medal 5144 Super Mod
5 years 127 days ago
Hi Andrew.
Unfortunately although that helps and is better than doing nothing it won't stop people maxing design. As as example, my new(ish) team has spent the entire season as L15 (therefore only receiving 15dp per race from my HQ unlike many of my competitors who receive 20) and the previous season in MJL was only 17 races long. This season is 19 races and by race 9 I had maxed out the big 4 and with two races remaining my cars are at 800dp  with 11dp I can't use. 
If I was getting 20dp per race I believe I would have maxed out the big 4 after 7 races and totally maxed out design after 15. All this with a previous season of only 17 races which is what you propose.
medal 5000
5 years 126 days ago
It should be impossible, using DP alone, to max out all areas of design even in a 20 race championship. Clever use of research should just about enable a top team to max out. 
I don't know whether that should be achieved by a lower starting point or by less DP throughout the season or another way entirely but that should be the aim, in my opinion. 
medal 5000
5 years 124 days ago
Design points are pointless after 7-8 races.

I would say give 20  points at the start of the season.  All attributes on 0 and spend how desired
medal 5000
5 years 123 days ago

Design points are pointless after 7-8 races.

I would say give 20  points at the start of the season.  All attributes on 0 and spend how desired

Perhaps a combination of the Design points per race from the previous season with half automatically allocated based on strengths and weaknesses and the rest manually spent.
medal 5000
5 years 123 days ago
Based on the experience of the league I race in, this is a problem, but a very low priority problem, it isn't a talking point, just not one of the things we gripe about. So, as game developers resources and time are obviously finite, it would not be something that Preston Racing would, as I see the chat around the league, want to see them used on. Just not that much of an issue, compared to others. 
medal 5000
5 years 120 days ago
I'm in a league which has a mix of levels, 20 down to 15. The lower level teams struggle after the first 4 races cos they're getting out developed by the top teams and that continues until they max out and us lower level teams then start to catch up, if we had more races, by the end we'd all be maxed out and racing on a level playing field, something which won't happen if we only had 15 races. I feel lower level teams are being ignored in these discussions 
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