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Chose a new update!!

What should be added to the game???

0% (0)
Better chat system
33.33% (10)
An option to choose the qualifications time, and beeing able to do setup after it
3.33% (1)
A better soundtrack
10% (3)
More liveries
3.33% (1)
More tracks, put in the comments
0% (0)
Better racing chat
10% (3)
Coach update
23.33% (7)
Being able to see the “hidden atributes”
3.33% (1)
Better quick races system
13.33% (4)
Any other, put in the comments!
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medal 5000
5 years 132 days ago (Last edited by Self Help 5 years 128 days ago)
What should be in a next update, let’s make this reach to the developers??? 

I want them all
medal 5000
5 years 129 days ago
COTA!!! Believe it or not, there are managers in the US. 
medal 5006
5 years 129 days ago
Custom calendar is coming
new liveries might be coming
safety car might be coming
new tracks coming - most likely USA or Mexico next on the list
better soundtrack - i personally like what we have now!
better quick races system - would like if we didn't get health and parts losses
better chat system - will be improved over time probably
medal 5000
5 years 128 days ago

Custom calendar is coming
new liveries might be coming
safety car might be coming
new tracks coming - most likely USA or Mexico next on the list
better soundtrack - i personally like what we have now!
better quick races system - would like if we didn't get health and parts losses
better chat system - will be improved over time probably

Mexico will come, in my older track pole, Mexico was also pretty popular, with the better soundtrack I would like something that isn’t so repetitive 

medal 5679 Community Manager
5 years 128 days ago

Just as clarification, “Being able to see the “hidden atributes”” this doesn’t existed in our game. Please don’t create confusion! Thanks. ?
medal 5000
5 years 128 days ago
A revamp of the actual tactical part of the game, the simulation of the actual race. At present many aspects are the polar opposite of F1 and more similar to road racing using cycles. I mean, the idea of leading a group of cars on the circuit. In F1 this is an advantage, clean air, less tyre deg, etc, in the Tour de France it is a chore, preferably to be taken in turns...punching a whole in the air, giving the rider behind a much easier ride... iGP':s race sim is far closer to cycling...fix this. Also the dominance of the two tech gimmicks is overpowered. DRS trains are not the fastest way around a circuit, why should they be in the game? Boost....a button to press that can knock seven seconds off your best lap time? Really? Is this Sonic the Hedgehog or motor racing?
Finally when was the last time you saw a real race where not one driver had an off? Ever? When is iGP's race simulation going to reflect that.
In all the race itself is so abstract and removed from what it tries to simulate that it detracts from the game. This is the update that needs to be introduced, slowly, one piece at a time. We could have the same sort of in race decision making that the real team bosses have. And to me, and many that I speak to, that should be a priority over peripherals like chat and background music, or distractions like Quick Races. 
medal 5000
5 years 128 days ago


Just as clarification, “Being able to see the “hidden atributes”” this doesn’t existed in our game. Please don’t create confusion! Thanks. ?

Lol, One day... One day..
medal 5000
5 years 128 days ago
I have a feeling that the car setup is very basic. Although I'm quite new and I'm possibly wrong (I mean, maybe the drivers feedback may not be the best setup), but that would be fun to have more setup options.

Practices sessions would be more complex to handle, but that seems fair to me.
medal 5000
5 years 128 days ago

I have a feeling that the car setup is very basic. Although I'm quite new and I'm possibly wrong (I mean, maybe the drivers feedback may not be the best setup), but that would be fun to have more setup options.

Practices sessions would be more complex to handle, but that seems fair to me.

It isn’t really complex if you read the guides by Joey Mclane. But making it complex will be a bit unfair to other players that don’t have much time
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