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Lost at least 200 car points at the restart of the season

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medal 5000
5 years 93 days ago
Que vouliez-vous faire ?
It was the reset of the season and I lost half of my car points. I was in Pro league and I stayed in Pro. Now the manager who promoted from amateur have a better car then mine. My cc had 5 Stars compared to my previous one with 3.

Que s'est-il finalement passé ?
It is like my car reset considering the season before. If like it did not consider my actual season in pro.

Est-ce que le problème est survenu quand vous utilisiez le Wifi, l'internet mobile ou les deux ?

Est-ce que le bug s'est produit dans l'application, sur PC ou les deux ?

Quel est le modèle de votre appareil ?
iPhone 8

Quel est le système d'exploitation ?

Quel est le numéro de version de votre système d'exploitation ?

Que vouliez-vous faire ?
Maybe at the end of the season (reset)
For exemple I had between 53 to 60 point in each characteristic of the car. At the reset it was between 18 to 30

Commentaires supplémentaires :

Best Solution -- Selected by Yunus Unia Blunion

medal 5000 Super Mod
5 years 89 days ago
If your CD was only 3 stars when you changed him two races before the end of the season at team level 9 he would only have been four stars at most when you were L8 (but more likely 3.5 star). This would have been extremely detrimental to your design this season.

I assume the 8 attribute values you mention in your post include the bonus/negative supplier values. The reason I assume this is that you are Pro and the start of season design cap for this tier is 40 but you report Fuel Economy as 45.

I also see that you only finished 20 out of 25 races in Pro. You have finished all of your races this season, so what happened to the 5 races last season that you did not finish? Could this have had any influence on car design?

Of the six races you have completed this season to date you have finished five of them 1-2 and the other 1-3 which is a great set of results and not indicative of a car that is suffering from a design bug relative to your competitors.

So tell me now!  Bug or not?

I think most likely the answer is... Not a bug.

If you learn how next season design is calculated you will be able to predict what you will receive at the beginning of the next season. My advice for now is to always have a single CD at the same level as your team (ignore the stars they will be either 4.5 or 5 if the CD is the same level) with a weakness of either reliability or cooling. You're in a 20 race season so there is no need to use multiple CDs because your next season design is based on 20 races so will be at the cap in everything except weakness.
medal 5000
5 years 90 days ago
Can I get a answer
medal 5000 Super Mod
5 years 90 days ago
You have played the game for a few seasons so you already know that all cars reset at the end of the season and start the following season with a much lower design.

The start of season design you receive is determined by many factors, the number of races in the previous season, the number of CDs you used during the previous season, the strengths, weaknesses, star rating and level of the CDs you used, your team level (did you level up during the season?) and the number of races each CD you used was active.
You can't assume there is a bug because a manager who promoted from Rookie has a beter design than you.

To calculate precisely what design you should have and compare that to the design you actually have, for every race last season we would need to know:
Your team level at the time of the race
Your active CD level for the race
Your active CD star rating for the race
Active CD Strength
Active CD Weakness

Also we would need to know your starting design after the reset. Precisely how many dp did you have in each of the eight car design attributes?
medal 5000
5 years 90 days ago (Last edited by Phat Pat 5 years 90 days ago)
I start the previous season with a team level 8 to level9 in the middle of last season. 

I race all races since I start playing the game.   I didn’t miss 1 race 

I had a CD 5 stars who downgraded to 3 stars when my Team level went to level 9   TD stayed at5 stars 

2 race before the end of season, I changed CD for a 5 stars with strength acc and weakness braking. I changed my CD at this time to prepare for new season.  And my team level was 9. I m still at 9 now

Car caract.         before.       After reset
Acc.                    53.             24
Brak.                   53.             40
Cool.                    60             30
Down.                  53.             15
Fuel.                    60.             45
Handl.                  53.             30
Relia.                   60.              30
Tyre.                    60.              33

Total               452.              246.  
Lost 206 points at reset 

You are right.  I played long enough to know that my car level will go down at reset.  It is the first time I loose all the points I invest in a full season. 

At this rythme I will never reach the limit of car in pro.  

So tell me now!  Bug or not?
medal 5004 Super Mod
5 years 89 days ago

The new CD that you bought 2 races before the end of the season will only have contributed to your new car design during these 2 races.
What was the strength and weakness of your first CD (the one that downgraded to 3 stars), and how many races was he active while being only 3 stars? This CD will have made the biggest contribution to your car design.
medal 5000 Super Mod
5 years 89 days ago
If your CD was only 3 stars when you changed him two races before the end of the season at team level 9 he would only have been four stars at most when you were L8 (but more likely 3.5 star). This would have been extremely detrimental to your design this season.

I assume the 8 attribute values you mention in your post include the bonus/negative supplier values. The reason I assume this is that you are Pro and the start of season design cap for this tier is 40 but you report Fuel Economy as 45.

I also see that you only finished 20 out of 25 races in Pro. You have finished all of your races this season, so what happened to the 5 races last season that you did not finish? Could this have had any influence on car design?

Of the six races you have completed this season to date you have finished five of them 1-2 and the other 1-3 which is a great set of results and not indicative of a car that is suffering from a design bug relative to your competitors.

So tell me now!  Bug or not?

I think most likely the answer is... Not a bug.

If you learn how next season design is calculated you will be able to predict what you will receive at the beginning of the next season. My advice for now is to always have a single CD at the same level as your team (ignore the stars they will be either 4.5 or 5 if the CD is the same level) with a weakness of either reliability or cooling. You're in a 20 race season so there is no need to use multiple CDs because your next season design is based on 20 races so will be at the cap in everything except weakness.
medal 5176
5 years 83 days ago
I'm not seeing anything unusual here. That design reset looks pretty standard to me and I haven't found any issues based on the information you provided.

Thanks Gert and Kevin for lending well-detailed responses. You've both saved me a bunch of typing!
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