RobertSamuel van Prooijen medal 5000 11 years 312 days ago
I once heard there is a specific number of fuel you loose per kilometer, which makes calculating the fuel per lap very easy. my director tells me all kinds of different things and i don't trust him so if anyone knows the easiest and most relieable way to calculate fuel, please let me know!

Tony Earl medal 5000 11 years 312 days ago
have just started racing myself, generally I use the the directors info to start my original strategy.
But once race has started and I can see exactly what I'm using I recalculate to the new figures.
Hope this helps.
As I said though I am a newb at this.

Ignatius Corleone medal 5000 11 years 312 days ago
Up to level 7, if u follow the tech director's advice, ur under fueld, level 8, following the advice slightly overfuels but you wont run out of fuel..
its best to always add a couple extra litres if ur not sure. (i dont know about how good the advice is above level8)

Luke Edwards medal 5000 11 years 312 days ago
Try look at previous races on that track to see how much you used per lap.
You can find this in: League > Previous Race then, change it to the 'Race' tab and use the drop down menus in the top right to select one of your previous seasons and the Race number it occupies on the calendar.
I always do this then add 0.1 to the consumption per lap and add an extra litre on top for the stint too.
Otherwise, if in doubt then overfuel.

Nick Green medal 5000 11 years 312 days ago
Multiply the length of a lap in KM by .7, then multiply by the number of laps you are wanting to run in a stint. It is a great starting point.

RobertSamuel van Prooijen medal 5000 11 years 310 days ago
I've mostly followed the directors advice and added extra fuel to be sure, worked out every time but still isn't precise. looking back at previous races has helped a lot but sometimes it differed which caused problems last couple of races, that's why i wondered if there was a better way. 0.7L of fuel per KM, I will try this one out and let you guys know if it's the most reliable.

RobertSamuel van Prooijen medal 5000 11 years 310 days ago
thanks for all the replies by the way.

Nick Greene medal 5000 11 years 310 days ago
I've been using a number similar to .7 L/KM and had it work out pretty well. Much better than the estimates given by me by my tech director.

RobertSamuel van Prooijen medal 5000 11 years 310 days ago
yeah if i calculate the fuel by this number and compare it to the race results fuel per lap, it is pretty accurate.