Marche Edney medal 5000 11 years 314 days ago
Victor ilr motorsport has done this for a eniire month.. what i think is happening is that.. he is giving the driver a signing price and the driver said yes.. So now he has all the time in the world to click yes or no to sign the driver which i think need to be fixed if it is like that. but i know what driver your talking about as well level 6 driver with like 20 talent.. awsome driver and he has him on lock.
at one point he was not online for 2 stright days and becasue the driver said yes to the signing he will stay in the email saying he is waiting for a desion.
but that how i think it is happening i could be wayy wrong bro.

Anthony Chiu medal 5000 11 years 314 days ago
i dont know buddy i'm no help to this but i aggree with you i thought it was 12 hours because i tryedd to sign a driver and i fell asleep then i got another email and it said you have enough time to make your desition as it had gone past 12 hours

Marche Edney medal 5000 11 years 314 days ago
yup so anthony prove my point alittle bit then..
yea victor it is alittle supid but there are many pages of managers and driver just have to put in the time to look

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 11 years 313 days ago
Holding up a driver for such a length of time does seem strange. I don't know what is happening but I am sure it will be investigated.
Also the manager does seem pretty active so he may be unaware of the problem.

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 11 years 313 days ago (edited 11 years 313 days ago)
Victor was correct in the OP, there is already a 12 hour limit on holding a driver this way and for some reason it wasn't enforced here. You can't (under normal circumstances) hold a driver any longer than that. It may be related to the database load issues we were having a couple of weeks back, because the offers were made 3 weeks ago.
I've released the drivers now, so they can be signed again.
Edit / Update: I've improved the code so that this can't happen (at least in the way it did) again.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 11 years 313 days ago
Thanks Jack for getting on to that and explaining the problem.

Tanar Ur medal 5000 11 years 269 days ago
There are a staff who is waiting to be confirmed more than 13 hours. What is the problem?

Tanar Ur medal 5000 11 years 269 days ago
At an other team not at me :D
But i want to give him an offer :P

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 11 years 269 days ago
At an other team not at me :D
But i want to give him an offer :P
PM me the staff IDs and I'll look in to it.

David Seward medal 5000 11 years 255 days ago
This Tech Director,
Luke King, has been stuck waiting to be confirmed at
Special One for nearly about 2+ days now.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 254 days ago
David, Thank you for bringing this to our attention. It will be investigated.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 254 days ago
This has been fixed & the staff member is available again.

David Seward medal 5000 10 years 337 days ago
Hi Andrew,
This driver has been waiting to be confirmed for almost 2 weeks:

Amelia Lyons medal 5165 10 years 337 days ago
Hi Andrew,
This driver has been waiting to be confirmed for almost 2 weeks:
That is not a driver.