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Time for a FOBY-policy?

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medal 5000
11 years 276 days ago (edited 11 years 276 days ago)
The forum is a great addition to the iGP site, and serves the community - but to me, in most cases, isn't serving the game.

Obviously, a helpdesk is a necity, but you don't go to a helpdesk asking questions about gameplay, and yet explanations on which driver to take, when to use which tyre, how to replace parts and entire tactics are on display here. That is not right.To me, part of this game is finding out what works and what doesn't, and using cookie-cutter tactics from the forum is the equivalent of using cheats.

Like, infinite money in the Sims, invincibility in Diablo II, or unlimited ammo in Unreal Tournament. I've had my fair share of cheating in games too, but really, if anything, it spoils the fun of the game, and doesn't make me feel smart if I win, and if it makes other people win over me, it doesn't make it justified either. 

To put it as briefly as I can;
it ruins gameplay.

People have to find out how the game works on their own.

So, my suggestion;
can we impose a FOBY-policy?

That's short for Find Out By Yourself. 

It won't imply on helpdesk-related question, such as; will subscription give me 2D viewer? (Well, FOBY!!), or "My race stopped half way, what can I do to restart it? (Well, FOBY!). No. But if somebody asks, 'What's the best tyre for Hungary in 20 degrees', the answer should definitely be FOBY.

Find out by yourself.

Cause learning to understand the game is part of the game.
medal 5000
11 years 276 days ago
And whats wrong with helping people who are stuck with a game to improve there longevity of the game? We need more players playing more and the only way they do that is to succeeded at the game.
medal 5000
11 years 276 days ago
I can kind of see the point... but I know so many people who have been playing the game for months on end and still just don't understand how the game works (tyre choices vs temperature vs wear etc etc) .. and they just end up getting bored and quitting.

So I like to help people improve.

Besides, it still doesn't stop people PM'ing someone about it. There's no real way to stop it I'm afraid.
medal 5000
11 years 276 days ago
There is a yes and no to the situation, I have helped two friends get involved in the game, and given them tips in their first season,. The game to them to begin with was daunting, so I helped them by suggesting strategies, sometimes multiple, some worked some did not. But they are both now confident enough to make these choices on their own. Had they not had the limited help I gave them they probably would have given up.

As I see it, it is a double edge blade, first up some people without the help will give, and secondly as you say, in a way it's gaining an unfair advantage. But I only proceeded to help them learn, and in real life if your stuck or in trouble you ask for help, and when you start a new job you often get trained up into the position, and in the end that is not cheating.
medal 5000
11 years 276 days ago
Perhaps have an FOBY policy for managers that are above a certain skill level. They could give advice but not receive any. How you would implement any of this I have no idea!!!! 
medal 5000
11 years 276 days ago
@stephen, I have come across managers much higher than me in my league who appear to have no clue. So I really don't know how it would be implemented. I am about to start my fourth season, my second in pro (lvl7), and there are still lvl10 managers in rookie who struggle to get points.

medal 5000
11 years 276 days ago
I jumped into the game blind and ran out of fuel in my first race. Now onto my 5th race and currently 3rd in my league, so you definately can have a FOBY stance and still have successful newbies. For me it was a just part of the fun.

However, not everyone is going to have that success and the frustration of not understanding can be a turn off to new people. That's why  I think it really would be best on a case by case sort of basis. You don't have to give away all your secrets to the new guy but helping them at least be competitive should be encouraged, it'll make for more exciting leagues.
medal 5000
11 years 276 days ago
If I am asked for help, advice or opinion, I try to reply by pm, because as you say, if it is all written down, where is the 'fun' in finding out.
medal 5000
11 years 276 days ago
I agree with Chris in helping newbies so they do not become discouraged.  I also agree with Jaap in that sometimes too much info is given out and then people don't take time to understand the game.  Having said all that (and fearing that I will open up a whole new can of worms!!) this should not be the case once the update is implimented.  It is not going to happen tomorrow but I think a lot of the information that is available now will alter, and each team will be unique so cannot really help anyone else.  So if we just bide our time this 'annoyance' will eventually resolve itself - or some of it anyway.  :)

And this thread is useful too, as knowing what is annoying the players is very important, so please keep commenting.
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