Charles Rodriguez medal 5000 11 years 308 days ago
Hi, a managers rating will increase or decrease after each race depending on how well he does. Is there also rating points to be won or lost at the end of a season depending on how well he has done on the driver standings? What about the final manager standings for a league does it also afford a rating increase or decrease?

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 308 days ago
Charles if you win or come 2nd in the teams title when you are in Elite, you receive 100 ranking points.

Arthur Akopyan medal 5000 11 years 308 days ago
Edwin, are you sure about this? I think you gain +100 reputation points if you finish the season in the green promotion zone, it can be more than 2 teams and not only in elite.

James Young medal 5000 11 years 308 days ago
Definitely not the case Edwin; I just won my last team championship (in Elite) and didn't get any bonus.

Arthur Akopyan medal 5000 11 years 308 days ago
must be because the promotion was inactive? you should get the points if you finish the season in the green zone in team standings

James Young medal 5000 11 years 308 days ago
That might be it. There's not many teams in my tier, so there's no promotion zone (not that I have anywhere to promote to).

Chris Louth medal 5000 11 years 298 days ago
this needs to be changed so it takes qualifying into consideration. i've just gained 5 XP for finishing 6th and 12th having started 20th and 30th. a guy 500 (FIVE HUNDRED) XP above me finishes 2nd and 8th having started 3rd and 12th, & gains 3 XP
how is that fair?

Jeremy Losh medal 5000 11 years 298 days ago
Yeah that doesn't sound or seem too fair at all Chris. It should be similar to the model used for games like Mario Kart, which I play....the higher you finish in a race means you get rewarded more rating points, or reputation XP in iGP Manager
But XP is also based on what your objectives are after qualification for a race.