joseph abbink medal 5000 11 years 300 days ago
is there a way that you can switch the peolple u hire as designers to engineers and mechanics.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 300 days ago
Joseph, you cannot do that. What are you having a problem with?

Tjerk Korving medal 5000 11 years 300 days ago
If you mean the people who work under the Chief Designer and the Technical Director, yes, on the Staff page. If you mean the CD and TD themselves, no.
Click the pull down menu's next to "Hire", scroll down and choose to downgrade to a certain number. Once you save, you have support staff available to assign elsewhere.

James Young medal 5000 11 years 300 days ago
You actually don't have to fire then hire; you can do both moves at once.
Reduce designers by 20, add 10 Engineers, add 10 Mechanics, (or however many you want to change), click Save All. Done.