James Mills medal 5000 5 years 74 days ago
We have just finished our season and I have seen that it is only giving the option for 15 random tracks. How do you go back to the original as it's not wanted in our league and nor is only 15 tracks a season! Thanks in advance.
M S medal 6334 5 years 74 days ago
To turn off random tracks for your calendar you must be the admin of the league. Go to league settings go to schedule page then select circuit selection tab. Now top right corner you can see a switch tier this off and you won't get random tracks.
Random track on or off currently you can only have 15 race calendar with this new system!
James Mills medal 5000 5 years 74 days ago
It has automatically selected random tracks and it doesn't do anything when I turn the tab on or off. Is it going to go back to the way it was before or are we stuck with 15 tracks? Very disappointed if it stays with just 15 tracks!!.
Jamie R medal 5000 5 years 74 days ago
Once you turn it off you can then move and change the track order etc
It will stay at 15 tracks for now, bit Jack has said this will increase.
James Mills medal 5000 5 years 73 days ago
I hope so as it was just starting to become more like real F1 and now we have 2 tracks less a season than before!!