Benjamin Crooks medal 5002 13 years 108 days ago
I upgrade my staff numbers and click save but nothing changes :S

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 13 years 108 days ago
There\'s a new population limit, but I\'ve only got around to enforcing it on the form submission so far. The offices facility is also shut down because I\'m going to revise how that works. Once the offices facility is done I\'ll be adding more clear notification with javascript as you interact with your support staff totals.
This is one of the new gameplay elements. There is now a population limit for staff, so you have to choose if you want to hire more designers OR more engineers etc. instead of just putting them all to 100 as before.

Benjamin Crooks medal 5002 13 years 108 days ago
i seee

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 13 years 108 days ago
good move - more game play needed there

Marius Golombeck medal 5000 13 years 108 days ago
Good to know, maybe a notice at the respective page could help people who don\'t have the idea of searching the forum for bugs.

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 13 years 108 days ago
There is one in the middle of the page saying how many support staff vacancies you have. But as I said, there will be clearer notifications added as you interact with it, I just didn\'t have time. I\'m just coming off of the back of my third all-nighter in a row. :D

Marius Golombeck medal 5000 13 years 108 days ago
Btw its the same for the designers.

Benjamin Crooks medal 5002 13 years 108 days ago
any way you can make the staff vacancies dynamic like on the design page when applying designers to parts?

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 13 years 108 days ago
That\'s basically what I mean regarding it not being finished. I\'m going to do something along those lines to make it clear when you\'re going over capacity. I\'ll be changing how the offices work first though, expect an update on this tomorrow.

Benjamin Crooks medal 5002 13 years 108 days ago
i see kl

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 13 years 108 days ago
I cannot hire staff, because I cannot join a league. Why ? Because there is only one league and that is full. Looks fishy to me. I find it questionable that all those managers manged to sign up that quickly. I think someone added them and left me behind. Thanks a lot...

Renato Lipi medal 5000 13 years 108 days ago
Yes, I though this was weird...
Anyways, I was worried about my budget when I tried to hire a lot of mechanics. I don\'t know if I paid for them and had never hired them. What do I do to know if I lost my money?

Marius Golombeck medal 5000 13 years 107 days ago
You can analyze your bank account (by clicking your current balance on the top) or this link
http://igpmanager.com/play/?url=team-finances and see for yourself then, what has happened :)

Renato Lipi medal 5000 13 years 107 days ago
Oops! That works. Sorry!
I didn\'t paid them, fortunatelly. But there are 3 payments of 100,000 that doesn\'t ave description. Strange...

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 13 years 106 days ago
When will be able to hire more staff ? And what is the population limit ?

Luiz Otavio Santos medal 5000 13 years 105 days ago
When will it be released to hire more staff?
Thus it is very bad play. I can not even put new parts on my car for lack of engineers / mechanics ....
Tks Google Translator :D

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 13 years 105 days ago
yeh atm I can only fit one or (if I am lucky) two parts - I need more staff!
But at least we are all in the same boat, so nobody has a huge advantage.

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 13 years 105 days ago
You can now upgrade your offices facility, which will allow you to hire more support staff. Better notifications etc. on the staff page are still in the works.

Aaron Gaiger medal 5000 13 years 105 days ago
Great, Thanks for your hard work Jack

René van der K medal 5000 13 years 104 days ago
This looks great, nice one Jack