Joanth Duque medal 5000 11 years 287 days ago
Do not know if it's because I just ASender a pro or because my design is quite advanced but had an average upgrade in 3 days (I'm in a league that runs every day) and now I just give me the season and the new design tells me that the next update is for June 10.
It is a mistake? towards the upgrade is much slower?

Ignatius Corleone medal 5000 11 years 287 days ago
the max time given for undates is 2 days... if you add more designers, it should reduce to 2 days

Joanth Duque medal 5000 11 years 287 days ago
I think I did not explain well (is I'm using google translator)
Throughout this season eh had a design update every 3 days, now that the season ends and ascend to the category PRO tells me that the next update is for June 10. We're talking more than 10 days.
I still have the same amount of designers, the only thing different is the% of development that has my car this season (83%)
Then my doubt is;
In PRO design development is slower?
Or the development was lengthened both have a car as it evolved?
Or is it a bug in the game?

Ignatius Corleone medal 5000 11 years 287 days ago
i think i understand.. ur car this season is probably much better than your car last season..
If your components have higher levels, it takes the same number of designers more time(more days) to get the same upgrade

Joanth Duque medal 5000 11 years 287 days ago
Ok, but 12 days is not much? we're talking about that for half of the next season is that I will get the first update. I understand that I see less benefit to avoid creating a monopoly, if tardansen twice normal is understandable even acceptable, but we are talking about the triple. 'll have trolley barely avoid relegation.

Ignatius Corleone medal 5000 11 years 286 days ago
The game is designed like that... like i said you can shorten it by adding more designers

Joanth Duque medal 5000 11 years 286 days ago
Ok, no problem.
I remembered that I do not need my money traders because they accumulate, so again all to design a new car and ride my monopoly buihahjahajhajhaja