I'm sure I saw someone post something in one of the many threads about boosting, where they said that they had a ban on late race boosting.
Given how unpopular it seems, I'm surprised league hosts haven't come up with something to stop it happening
Probably because it would be almost impossible to police. IGP could solve the problem by making boost more like F1 KERS, a small amount, usable per lap, recharged at the end of the lap. It would have the benefit of rewarding those who are using it that way anyway (who can't just turn up 5 laps from the end and sail past cars by slicing 7 seconds off their lap time), and rewarding those who play lights to flag. And of course, it would be more realistic. It has with the current rules got so bad that I rarely stay online for the closing laps, all the meta game boosting makes iGP, at this stage, just like a regular powerup based racing game.... Crash Bandicoot, Sonic, breaks the 'suspension of disbelief, makes me realise that the race is just a silly videogame and spoils my enjoyment of the denouement. So I log out until it is over. The results aren't the thing, the experience of losing yourself in the world of an F1 team boss is far more important to me.