Pedro Rebelo medal 5000 11 years 276 days ago
I have this doubt regarding staff.
When one reaches top level in design, merchandising and mechs/engineers, are we getting the benefits?
I.E., mechs/engineers training provide a 10% discount on assembly, but I've been paying the exact same at least since level 10 (now 20); designers give a +1 on development but only when training... after that I assume that it takes less time to develop parts at level 20 right?; as for commercial staff regardless of the level, the number of staff affects only the volume of sales of merchandise (more people more sales), but the rest of the "benefits" aren't really there, or at best I'm not seeing them if they take place!
So, are the benefits implemented or ATM they are just for show ?

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 276 days ago
Pedro, I am not sure I have understood your question.
Are you asking whether training your staff, eg: designers, has a long term benefit. In which case the answer is yes it does; your designers will design faster for example.
Let me know if I have misunderstood you.

Ignatius Corleone medal 5000 11 years 276 days ago
I think he's asking what there is to gain to have level 20 staff

Pedro Rebelo medal 5000 11 years 275 days ago
You have understood it right Edwin...
I have been trying different things, but I just don't "see" the effects, though with the designers,I was suspicious that the higher the level, the faster the development...
I just can't see the effects from the rest of the staff (though having just topped mechs and engineers).

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 275 days ago
Pedro, Better trained engineers & mechanics will deliver a faster pit stop and higher trained commercial staff will sell more