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When are we racing!?

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medal 5000
5 years 77 days ago
When are we going back to the bare essentials of racing!?

Forget the tyre temp, forget the weather temp, forget that tyre is faster than that tyre. A tyre last's for so many laps driving normal, you drive hard and eat the tyre up sooner or drive easy and extend the life of the tyre. 

Your projected 2 stop race might become a 4 or 5 stopper due to driver lock ups or following another car for too long. It takes life out of the tyre, forcing you to make changes. Back off or carry on and stop sooner than expected to get fresh boots. There's always the problem of fresh rubber is faster than used rubber, might have to pit just to cover someone off.
medal 5000
5 years 77 days ago (Last edited by Joshua Johnson 5 years 77 days ago)
Forget the tyre temp, forget the weather temp, forget that tyre is faster than that tyre. 

What about that tyre lasts longer than that tyre?  Also, if we're going to forget all that, let's also forgot having different compound options and just have 1 dry tyre and 1 wet tyre.

 A tyre last's for so many laps driving normal, you drive hard and eat the tyre up sooner or drive easy and extend the life of the tyre.  

Did you save enough fuel to use the extended life of the tyre?  Or are we also removing refueling and not mentioning it?

Your projected 2 stop race might become a 4 or 5 stopper due to driver lock ups or following another car for too long. It takes life out of the tyre, forcing you to make changes. Back off or carry on and stop sooner than expected to get fresh boots. There's always the problem of fresh rubber is faster than used rubber, might have to pit just to cover someone off.

I could see that problem causing you to have to make 1 more pitstop, but not 2 or 3.


medal 5000
5 years 76 days ago
So like, no strategy at all? All that would be factors now are drivers, cars, and boost. 
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