Hello Guys,
After 2 years, I returned to iGP. Trying to understand more of the game than last time.
Running trough "Transfers" I have difficulties understanding how Attributes, Levels and Stars correlate.
For Staff, I've read that Attributes doesn't have effect performance. I understand that Experience can be boosted if not already maxed out, as well as Morale boost by HQ.
Q1: How exactely Experience improves?
Q2: Is HQ the only way to improve Morale?
Q3: Can Morale decrease if you have lower HQ level than the team that are selling this Staff?
Q4: How Attribute changes can change Staff level and/or stars?
I've seen 1) Staff within the same level have different star count and 2) Staff within the same star count have different level.
Q5: How Staff levels correlate with stars?
Q6: What contributes to staff performance, level or stars?
For Drivers, I understand that now you can train Weight with other attributes capped. Also understand that minimum Weight for females is less than male drivers.
Q7: Should you train Weight before going to Driving Abilities? Or just max stamina and care about Weight later?
Q8: Does driver Weight really matters for car performance? Does it influence car speed like fuel weight?
Q9: If Weight matters, a female driver would perform better than a male driver (both equivalent and at minimum weight)?
I've also understand that driver Height influence ride Height, correcting the "perfect" settings numbers.
Q10: Does the car perform really equivalent with that corrections? Pushed to limit, in some driver/track combinations, you cannot acheive the "perfect" setting, but I was wondering if that corrections will influence in other "non-limit" combinations.
Q11: Are the "perfect" settings really perfect or have you found over time better settings than drivers sugest?
Sorry for this long list and thank you very much for yor help.