Leo Yeo medal 5001 5 years 41 days ago
According to a player in my league two players in the league are being managed by the same person. This is against the rules of our league but the manager in question does not seem to want to comply. I don't want to kick the manager yet since I don't 100% know if they are guilty. Is there anyway this could be investigated?
Kevin Bissell medal 5000 Super Mod 5 years 41 days ago
Escalated to support. I believe they have ways of investigating this.
Nando Lorris medal 5000 5 years 41 days ago
Pot, kettle, black springs to mind. You have a second team in the rookie division, so as per your league rules you should be kicked. Just saying.
Leo Yeo medal 5080 5 years 41 days ago
1) I only joined recently, so that's not really an excuse for that manager
2) This rule was made seasons ago to prevent selfish managers from building xp, rp, hogging championships etc by racing with multiple teams, which we already try to prevent by having multiple leagues and even a test league. My rookie team isn't there to win championships or build xp,rp but rather to help the rookie tier level up faster to help prevent the huge divide between them and the higher tiers while also allowing me to have a permanent host account. Also as I am the league host, I am perfectly allowed to manage the league as I wish, should others disagree they can leave.
Anyway I'm assuming there's still no news on this?
Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5176 5 years 36 days ago (Last edited by
Yunus Unia Blunion 5 years 36 days ago)
Hi Leo.
There's no rules against having multiple accounts in iGP Manager. However, I also understand leagues have self-imposed rules. We don't enforce or help with self-imposed rules league hosts may have.
In this particular instance, we won't reveal if a user is circumventing a self-imposed league rule like your league has unless if they come forward asking us to help prove their innocence (because they may be kicked as a consequence).
The reason for this is because of a situation in the past where two users faced the same problem. They were accused of having two accounts in the same league and the host and other players. The league host threatened to kick the players in question, however, one of the accused players wrote to us requesting us to help prove their innocence.
If the user who is suspected of having multiple accounts reaches out to us, then we can be of help.
Please keep in mind we err on the side of giving hosts the final say, regardless of the reason.
Leo Yeo medal 5080 5 years 36 days ago
I understand, just wanted to know if it was possible. I'm happy this has been clarified to ?