Mateusz Materiał medal 5000 5 years 81 days ago (Last edited by
Mateusz Materiał 5 years 78 days ago)
Co próbowałeś zrobić?
I trying to buy extra money from shop
Co się wtedy stało?
I didint recived my money
Czy problem wystąpił podczas korzystania z Wi-Fi, transmisji danych lub obu?
Gdzie wystąpił problem, aplikacja, PC czy w obu?
Jakiego systemu operacyjnego używasz na swoim PC?
Z jakiej przeglądarki korzystałeś podczas problemu?
Google Chrome
Czy można odtworzyć błąd?
I dont know
Dodatkowe komentarze:
Video https://youtu.be/AhEYBJprqPw

Ayrton Senna medal 5000 5 years 81 days ago
I had the same problem .
Spend 4 tokens for extra money, didn't receive the oney.
I used Windows 7, Chrome, laptop.

Aureliano Costanzo Miù medal 5185 5 years 80 days ago
Anche io per la seconda volta non ho avuto i soldi guadagnato con i 4 token spesi

Kristine Del Rosario medal 5000 5 years 80 days ago
Hi Towarzysz,
I'm so sorry to hear this.
I have sent you the money and 2 tokens to make up for the inconveniences that this has caused you.
Let me know if I could be of any further help.
@Geert @Aureliano
I'm so sorry for the inconveniences.
Please be advised to give these information so I can send out your purchases:
- Date and time when you bought the daily deal
- Daily deal that you bought (please specify, for example: 4 tokens in exchange of 5 million cash)

Aureliano Costanzo Miù medal 5185 5 years 73 days ago
Ciao ho avuto due volte il problema dei 4 token che mi avrebbero dovuto dare 7.3 milioni e una volta ho avuto il problema dei 13 token che mi avrebbero dovuto dare 22.1 milioni

Kristine Del Rosario medal 5000 5 years 65 days ago
Ciao Aureliano,
Grazie per aver aspettato con pazienza.
Ti ho inviato i soldi e 3 gettoni per compensare gli inconvenienti che questo ti ha causato.

Jason Chen medal 5000 5 years 63 days ago
I just had the same problem 1 minute ago. I bought 6.5m for 4 tokens, but didn't receive the 6.5m.

Kristine Del Rosario medal 5000 5 years 61 days ago
Hi Jason,
I'm so sorry for the inconveniences.
I have sent you the cash and 2 tokens to make up for the inconveniences that this has caused you.

José Trujillo medal 5342
Community Manager 5 years 53 days ago
I mark as Solved and close the topic.