Uncle Albert medal 5000 11 years 273 days ago
*My 2nd team Curve Ball.
I have had both of my drivers released from their contracts when they both had races left to go..
At the end of the season, they both have been kicked out.. So I thought that I should re-buy them before anything else happens and then contact support.
BUT.. when I manually put in a price for one of my drivers. As soon as I hit enter. It went from 900.000 to 25.000 and now I have lost him... I have 1 of my drivers but the 2nd one (Talent 20) obviously declinded my offer.. Now I have my talent 19 driver and my other is currently locked in talks with my main account so I don't lose him before it's sorted.
Can someone PLEASE re-set my team and put my 2 drivers back in my team and with the contracts they had.. They both had over 5 races left on each of their contracts..
I know it's an issue. As it is also showing 2 new mail messages but nothing new is there... So I cleared out my whole inbox and it's still flahing up that I have 2 new messages.

Eton Fed medal 5000 11 years 273 days ago
I've had a bug like this once, and I knew I didn't release them from the contract because I was still showing a 10/10 relationship with them. If I manually cancelled the contracts, I would have been showing 8/10 relationship.
Jack fixed the problem but he couldn't reinstate the driver to my team, but luckily no one stole him and I was able to get him back after 1 race.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 273 days ago
Rob, Jason is correct, this has happened a couple of times before. I will ask for this to be investigated.

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 11 years 273 days ago
It says they have each completed 17 and 34 races respectively, assuming you're referring to these two:
17 and 34 are obviously multiples of the maximum length you can sign or extend a contract for (17 races at a time). Are you saying you had them signed for another five so it would be 22 and 39 races before they expire?
There's not enough information on the back end for me to know how it happened or what happened, so I'll need as much information as possible. It actually shows that the contracts weren't renewed as far as I can see, and they expired on cue.
Edwin told me you had archived two unread mails, and this is why you couldn't see them in your inbox.
And as for the other issue where it apparently went from 900k to 25k did you see this happen before you hit submit?

Uncle Albert medal 5000 11 years 272 days ago
Yes Jack. They are the 2 drivers in question.
It didn't show a thing in the Notifications area. I would of re-newed them as soon as they was down to the 3 races. They are a talent 19 and 20. So I wouldn't get rid of them.
The last time I checked. (About 2 races ago) They had around 7 or 8 races to go on my screen, so I just let it run, as I have another 2 x 20's in the YDA.
I only re-newed SWP from my main team a couple of races ago. So I would of re-newed them at the same time if it was showing me that they was running out.
With having the issue. I just delete the messages about the contracts and I normally archive info about new seasons / drivers I have hired and so on.. Then just delete everything else to keep it nice and clean for you guys tbh and not have 10 pages of old messages for no reason. I didn't think about the messages I'de archived.. Cheers Edwin for spotting that one. Nice one. :)
The last issue.. Nope. It happened as soon as I hit enter. I manually put in 900000 to get them back quickly and as soon as I pressed the send.. It changed to 25.000 for some reason. I did the same with the other driver, but this time I clicked up and then back down on the wages tab and it worked fine..
Cheers for looking in to this lads I know you have a shead load of other things to be sorting still.

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 11 years 272 days ago
It's a lot easier if you re-sign the drivers and I just deposit the amount you spent on it in to your account, as opposed to going in a round about way and me manually editing all these contracts and whatnot.
Would that work for you? If you sign them to your original team I'll just top up your balance with what it cost to re-sign them and look in to the issue if it crops up again. There isn't enough information to go on this time and it could be related to the issues we had with races being postponed (assuming this happened in your league too). If so, the issue may already be fixed, or at least it is being addressed, and I'd be going on a wild goose chase to look for a problem.

Uncle Albert medal 5000 11 years 272 days ago
Honestly bud.. That answer has made me say no thanks.. I thank you for the reply and the honesty. I have signed him to my main team. I was going to keep him with Curve Ball, but meh. It's kind of sorted and i've not 100% lost him.. So I might wait for a little and comment on him, get him back to 10 and re-hire him... idk. Curve Ball have over 200 Mill. So it's cool.
If it is an issue, your time is better spent looking in to that.
Thank you for the openess about the problem. Appreciated.

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 11 years 272 days ago
If you're not satisfied, I'm more than happy to shuffle all the data around to what it theoretically would have been beforehand. I just wanted to settle the situation in the simplest way possible.
To put it all back to how it should have been, I'd need you tell me what a good portion of it would have been, because there isn't a clear number on the back-end that says "this is off by X amount and that by Y amount". Whatever happened, if it was a bug, it didn't leave traces and tidied up after itself, it just ended the contracts neatly as if that was when they were supposed to end.
Did you have any races postponed last season? because theoretically that can cause pretty much anything to go awry and not leave traces behind, like this. And do you want me to put the data right? If so we can continue with details on PM (tomorrow, I should be in bed now, it's 1:34 am).

Uncle Albert medal 5000 11 years 272 days ago
Honestly Jack. I wasn't being sarcasice or anything. I was being serious. It's honestly fine. Knowing that you are willing to do all the work is more than enough... I've done damage limitation and I have gained with my main team tbh... I've just lost out a little with the 2nd team.. but it's cool.
As a league. We was ok with the connection and races. I don't think we have had a single problem for the past few seasons tbh. I think we might of had the occasional *Connection problem - Crash.. but that has only been on the rare occasion. All of the league issues seem to be on all the other times and days to us. :)

GSung Bark medal 5000 11 years 272 days ago
I had a similar problem a while back where a load of my staff (and both drivers) left after 16 races of a 17-race contract. I didn't get a reply at the time (http://igpmanager.com/play/?url=forum-thread/2770) and have since 'recovered' in the game, but it proved pretty costly as the signing fees I had to spend to get the drivers back prevented me from upgrading my facilities and made the next season a bit of a write-off compared to my main rivals.
Am just flagging it up again in case it helps with any bug-fixing.