Ponos Zalmosck medal 5000 11 years 272 days ago
Kers "blocking" is a huge problem in this game. Passing is practically impossible in normal racing situations, and if the person in front of you has more kers they can easily abuse this system.
I think racing would be adundantly more exciting if this was hidden.

Lewis Goodway medal 4935 11 years 272 days ago
Kers "blocking" is a huge problem in this game. Passing is practically impossible in normal racing situations, and if the person in front of you has more kers they can easily abuse this system.
I think racing would be adundantly more exciting if this was hidden.

Uncle Albert medal 5000 11 years 272 days ago
This may sound really daft, but the qually has an impact here.
How many times have you needed to use half of it to get back in to the position you should be in ??
The ones at the front end (that you know are slower over a normal racing lap.) shoot off and by the time the KERS are charged. You are 20 seconds down and having to chase the win.. You end up meeting one of them and they then just block block... but they have the right to do it.. with how the qually works out.
I love to see a "Suprise" pole. It is one of the reasons we tune in to watch the real life stuff.. Qually just needs a big sort 1st and then see where they are up to with it and sort it from there.
You are right though. It does need sorting in some way.. I wonder how hard it would be that the afk managers use an "allocation" per lap with the KERS? That way passing them when you are out of position or lapping them, wouldn't be so hard. If they are late to the race, they can take over when they turn up.

Ponos Zalmosck medal 5000 11 years 272 days ago
That's basically exactly what I'm talking about Rob.
Because qually is so strong, you do use half your kers to gain positions, and people just defend you from those positions because they know they have more kers than you and block you intentionally knowing that passing is so hard in this game.
In the end it's almost a kers train and you make nothing from it, if the managers know what they are doing (eg the top guys - you will never see them freely give up a position)
If they had no idea how much kers you had used compared to them, they would probably be less susceptible to wasting it / purposely blocking people. It only has positives - Racing would be nothing but more interesting.

Ponos Zalmosck medal 5000 11 years 272 days ago
You end up meeting one of them and they then just block block... but they have the right to do it.. with how the qually works out.
This nails my point. My point being they only block because they know they have more kers than you. If they have no idea, they're less inclined to do it. It will just make racing less static.

Jaap Grolleman medal 5000 11 years 272 days ago
This is a great idea Ponos! 1+

Lewis Goodway medal 4935 11 years 271 days ago
This idea of having hidden kers is actually fantastic. It could add alot more drama to races. So many races end with the leader 1.5 seconds ahead of the guy in 2nd. We know whos won about 10 laps from the finish because we know they have the same ammunt of kers or someone has more. Or another idea could be have half the ammount of KERS but it resets at the halfway point. Thats just an idea because its almost impossible to win from a bad grid slot because the leaders have more kers if it was reset it would allow a chance to overtake.

Eric Dias medal 5000 11 years 271 days ago
Agree with Ponos +2

Dave Anderson medal 5000 11 years 271 days ago
This is a great idea :)
Like everyone is saying, it would make the end of races more interesting and the tactical battles more interesting. This should be done.

Teo Fabulous medal 5000 11 years 271 days ago
Love the idea. I hate KERS as a rule but not knowing how much KERS your opponents have AND hiding the KERS use in the simulator is far more realistic and would lead to much better races.
I would take the blue KERS labels over the cars completely out of the simulator and move the KERS indicator next to the trigger button for each user's car. Maybe make it like the F1 broadcast with a little battery indicator.

Tom Hinds medal 5000 11 years 271 days ago
Allocation per lap would get my vote!

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 271 days ago
I really like the idea of hiding the level of kers from other managers. As Lewis says this would add a lot to the racing and make people think before blocking.
What do people think about Tony's point of hiding the kers indicator from the top of cars too?

Aaron Shiffer medal 5000 11 years 271 days ago
I love the idea.

Elcio P medal 5000 11 years 271 days ago
I agree with hiding the kers, and I think it should be removed from the 2d viewer so other managers couldn't even see you using or how much you have left.
Or, like Tony said: remove the kers indicators from the time standings and the indicators above the cars when they are using showing how much kers that is left, but only show that they are using kers, like an on/off switch.
You can't see how much of it he is using or how much he has left, but that he is using it.
Surely it will bring much excitement for the races and lots of strategic moves around.
+5000 for this idea.

Gary Collyer medal 5001 11 years 271 days ago
Yeah it would need to be completly hidden, so u cant see how mcuh any1's got and also cant see when any1 is actually using it when they are, so u cant calculate how much people got left or defend as easily with it

Aaron Cummings medal 5000 11 years 271 days ago
if im not mistaken...every team in real life f1 know how much every1 has in kers...why hide it here if it aint in real life

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 270 days ago
Aaron, That's a different sort of Kers. Theirs recharges every lap, ours is a fixed amount to use throughout the race

Uncle Albert medal 5000 11 years 270 days ago
I would go back to the Qually 1st tbh...
What is the latest with the qually? Is it being looked in to? Does the new system in development mean that things like qually will have a whole re-work?
I would like to know things like these before anything else tbh..
Yes this is a good idea.. but if qually is fixed or re-worked. Lewis may have the best idea with a 50% re-set on the Kers. It will force people to use your allocation during the 1st half of the race.. Then it get's re-set.
As for the whole thing being blind. idk.. In real life.. The teams have a whole crew watching live streams of other drivers during the race.. We do when we watch Sky or BBC F1 races..
We have all heard calls to the drivers such as "They are defending with the Kers out of T5, hold of until blagh blagh to use it."
We even get all the reports from the speed traps and how much effect each team has with the Kers.
Modern F1 is probably the hardest era to hide any info from other teams..

Teo Fabulous medal 5000 11 years 270 days ago
The problem with the iGP system - if you are trying to compare it to F1, anyway - is that, like Edwin says, it is one fixed amount over the course of a race. It's actually more like IndyCar's Push-to-Pass system, except that it has no time limit, only a limited supply.
If iGP doesn't choose to hide the KERS like I suggested, I might suggest that iGP KERS becomes like the IndyCar Push-to-Pass system - a 10-second burst of power that is triggered through a button push, with a limited number of pushes per race. The driver/manager, once the button is pushed, gets the performance boost, but the KERS is both a finite resource AND one that requires more strategy to use than the default KERS.