Johnny Cooper medal 5000 5 years 79 days ago
Hi guys,
I saw some posts asking help regarding races being set at another time because the postponing didn't work as thought. So I thought I write a little post about how it's done right.
First, select the race at the date you don't want to race on (e.g. 23rd December) and postpone it on the day you want to resume racing again (e.g. 27th December).
All races who were scheduled in between these dates will be automatically postponed and shifted forwards in time. To stay in the example from above the race from the 24th will be shifted to the 28th, 25th to 29th and so on.
Remember the game will automatically postpone all later races so that your races will take place according to the season plan. There won't be any races shifted around. Once you postpone one race all others that follow after it will be postponed as well.
Secondly, don't forget to save any changes you made by clicking the big red save button in the top right-hand corner.
A little note to all people who struggle with this idea.
If you are on the page where you can postpone the races there are also little information icons on the left side before the various options. If you hoover over these icons with your mouse they'll explain the postponing concept to you, too.

Gert Rose medal 5001 Super Mod 5 years 79 days ago
Hi Johnny,
That explanation describes perfectly how it works, hopefully it will clear up any confusion that some managers had about it.
I'll label your post as "guide".

Hamlet Rodriguez medal 5000 5 years 79 days ago
As great as this explanation is J Cooper, it doesn't do me any good now. Thank you for making us aware of it. The only exclamation mark icon I could see is the one that speaks about the convenience of being able to postpone races during holidays or special events like your birthday. Saw nothing that outlined any protocol like the one you described here.
I wanted to postpone races from Dec. 24th t0 26th. I started by postponing the 24th and moving it to Jan. 5th(next available date after our last race). And that's when I found out what you already explained here. Why it doesn't explain it on the page itself is beyond me.

Gustavo Heiden medal 5011 Super Mod 5 years 79 days ago
Saw nothing that outlined any protocol like the one you described here.
I think this phrase when you are postponing the races says everything that you need to know.

Graeme Osborn medal 5000 5 years 79 days ago
Just would be helpful if once you change it the game itself does not change the postponed races again!!
I was just lucky that one of my managers noticed it the same time that i did. If you postpone a race then it should stand and not be changed again!

Johnny Cooper medal 5000 5 years 78 days ago (Last edited by
Johnny Cooper 5 years 78 days ago)
Thanks Gert and you're welcome.
Hamlet is right. It doesn't say how the postponing process works if you hoover of the information icon. My bad. But Gustavo's screenshot explains it perfectly, that all races in between the old and the new postponed to date will also be delayed. So, thanks Hamlet and Gustavo for clearing that up.