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Development Blog.

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medal 5000
11 years 235 days ago
Are we are still waiting for this development blog that (I am sorry to point out.) was promised by the devs in a forums thread about 2 or 3 months ago ??

I'll find the post if need be..

I am playing Goal United and I spend money in that game as well.. They have an awesome development blog.

Check it out... This is the kind of thing that we are screaming for..

As tbh.. All of the requests and ideas are pointless, if we don't know about the 2nd engin you have (bugs or no bugs) then no one can say.. "This will be a good idea." because it might be nulled with this new version.. that only some have seen..

Some nice info / pics would help a lot. :)

14th of June was the last update and the update before that was the 30th of May.. So they don't update it ever day / week.. but at least they keep everyone updated of the things they are doing and working on.
medal 5000
11 years 235 days ago
Sorry to be a pain... but I am wanting to see this developers blog... Even if it's just targets for this year and ideas. That is better than nothing.

Developers blogs are not to be replied directly too. They are statements from the Dev's on what they are doing... If the members want to talk about things within the blog. Then they can open a thread in the forums... not to reply directly like it is on the front page.

Post 17.
medal 5000
11 years 234 days ago
We know the development is progressing quite slowly and it seems that all that's been done recently is restoring data after simulator crashes... As the moderators keep saying that the main focus atm is the simulator stability, it would be nice to know what progress has been made, otherwise all we can see is late qualifying results/2D screen freezes. I've trusted that the devs could get things right after "The story so far" dev blog, but now I'm starting to get disappointed with my decision to subscribe. Maybe a new dev blog update could give us some hope?
medal 5000
11 years 234 days ago
medal 5000
11 years 234 days ago
All work is currently focused on the simulator. As you note, there are still times when it hangs &/or crashes. This work has taken much longer than anyone could have envisaged, but it will continue until these issues are resolved.

The team would much rather be 'developing', but without a stable basis for the game new developments are indefinately delayed.
medal 5000
11 years 234 days ago
But the problem still remains Edwin... the developers don't even say anything, good or bad.

For the majority of the users, it seems that no work is being done. As they don't say something, we can guess anything we want.
medal 5000
11 years 234 days ago
Craig, The response I have given comes directly from the team; in this instance I speak on their behalf.
medal 5000
11 years 234 days ago
Thanks Edwin.

From a personal point of view I would much rather the devs spent 30mins or whatever on the game and not writing a 'blog'.  But having said that it is nice to be kept informed.  Even if they 'blogged' something weekly somebody, somewhere would want informed daily!
medal 5404 CEO & CTO
11 years 234 days ago
Are we are still waiting for this development blog that (I am sorry to point out.) was promised by the devs in a forums thread about 2 or 3 months ago ??

I said in that thread "I'll write a detailed blog about everything we've achieved so far (in the next few days) behind the scenes, and what to expect in the year ahead". Two days later it was posted: So the promise was fulfilled, but obviously you want something else.

I'll take a look at the Goal United blog and see what we can learn from it. That's actually quite useful, so thanks for that. It gives me a much clearer idea of what you want to know. We're working to get the design update released now and anticipate that going live within 3 months.

There has also been a recent development, something we have been pursuing for a while to get things done faster. This required us to go and conduct an interview process for a few days, and fill out lots of paperwork over several months in order to be able to hire people.
medal 5000
11 years 234 days ago
We're working to get the design update released now and anticipate that going live within 3 months.

Thank you for the update, good luck with this.
medal 5000
11 years 234 days ago
We're working to get the design update released now and anticipate that going live within 3 months.

Great stuff.. I'll be rich enough to subscribe in three months :D
medal 5000
11 years 234 days ago
That sounds great Jack.. I am not bothered if it takes 3 or 6 months.. Knowing that you are working on it with some sneek peaks at what we can expect would be superb to see.

Some nice pics with some nice information about it would be great. Deadlines can always be put back.. but it softens the blow when we know it would be worth the wait.

Have a look at this part of the site as well... You could easily change things to suit. I also know that it's a huge task to do things like this.. so it's for a future, future, future update.

It's a very good guide that answers so many of the basic equivalent questions that are asked on the iGP forums each week. (What tyres / Why do I run out of fuel. etc.)
I have no idea how hard it would be to make a slim version of it and build on it later. I honestly have no idea.
medal 5000
11 years 233 days ago
I like the idea of an 'Answers to basic questions' type page - anything that isn't covered in the rules or guides would be useful and can be added to as time goes on.
As you say Rob, probably time consuming to build but something to think about for the future.
medal 5000
11 years 232 days ago
all i can say is wow!....bunch of whining....they are doing what they can...first u guys want a list of u want daily updates....both take time from game development....instead of pointing out what u want to hear everyday, just have a forum thread of different problems or things u would like to see added or changed...we've got way too many threads of problems and it takes time for the devs to read every post....u got to remember guys...this isnt ea sports gaming...they dont have hundreds of employees and programmers....everyone has to be patient and understanding...yes its alot of money each year to play...but so is alot of multiplayer games out there....sit in their shoes for a minute and look at how many posts are made time....response time....discussion time with others about the problem...planning....and all takes time
medal 5000
11 years 232 days ago
I don't agree Aaron. This is a genuine enquiry & request for information. There is no issue at all with people asking what is going on.
medal 5000
11 years 232 days ago
I kind of get what Aaron is saying - I know how long it takes me to read all the posts and answer just a few of them.  I think the devs are probably reading the posts but do not have time to answer them - they have Edwin to deal with that, which is great.  And probably should be/is enough for most people.

It does take a lot of time to write even a very simple blog as there has to be agreement about what to write between all the devs involved.  This means there is discussion, disagreement and eventually concensus - not something that happens in a few minutes.  Even if Edwin were to write a blog he would have to be 'told' what to write - so not much time saved there!

Anyway - these discussion give the devs an idea of what the players are thinking and how they feel, so that is never a bad thing.
medal 5000
11 years 232 days ago (edited 11 years 232 days ago)
all i can say is wow!....bunch of whining....they are doing what they can...first u guys want a list of u want daily updates....both take time from game development....instead of pointing out what u want to hear everyday, just have a forum thread of different problems or things u would like to see added or changed...we've got way too many threads of problems and it takes time for the devs to read every post....u got to remember guys...this isnt ea sports gaming...they dont have hundreds of employees and programmers....everyone has to be patient and understanding...yes its alot of money each year to play...but so is alot of multiplayer games out there....sit in their shoes for a minute and look at how many posts are made time....response time....discussion time with others about the problem...planning....and all takes time

Ehhhh ??? lolololol

Whining when I pay the most over anybody else in this game? There maybe 1 or 2 others like me who are still on the monthly on purpose... To HELP this game out.. lolol

Please don't skim read and make posts.. Jake read the post and saw that on one of the points. I say Future future future updates... and why did I put that.. I read the forums and see the same questions over and over and over.. Again today.. A simple question that could of been avoided by just looking... BUT as it stands the forums are not the easiest to try and find infomation out..

Also.. Level 7 rookie v level 12 Elite who had been playing that game for over 18 months now. lololololololol.. yeah. ok. Come back and say them things in 12 months time.. and as for that EA statement. hahahahahahahahahahahaha.. EA.. Yeah. That awesome fantastic company who thinks of nothing but money 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th... ohh and then they might add some game play. lololol
Post when you have some proper playing time on this game. lololololol. I nearly fell off my chair laughing at that post. EA referencing. aaaahaaahaaahaahaaahaa.. :)

To put it in a nutt shell.. You do think that a game that is still technically in a beta stage should be more interested in game development over feedback??? Sure.
Minecraft, Guns of Icarus and thousands of other new companies don't give feedback to their gamers.. OMG.. Sorry but you must be a console player.. All decent developer companies give equal feedback to what they are developing. It's happened for many years like that..

I am a 100% PC player and I have been for the past 10+ years.... So I know where I am coming from when I make these posts.. As I play on other browsers that are bigger than iGP atm.. but the main difference is that iGP has a base that is a billion times better than anybody elses product on the market atm... FEEDBACK from the devs is key to the gamers.. That is why 1000's have signed up in the past and 1000's have left this game!!! Lack of feedback. Simple as that.

Also READ my post.. I even state that I don't care if it's 3 months or 6 months until the new system.. knowing that it's being worked on with some nice info is what I care more about.. All projects have set backs.. That is acceptable.. but not knowing anything about it or why it is being held back is the most annoying and what makes people leave this game.

I have messaged everyone who has quit the league and asked them why... I doubt many others chase the ones who leave for answers and feedback. I do.
medal 5000
11 years 232 days ago
first off yes i have read the posts and not skimmed them...yes i understand we all want to know what going on...who doesnt...but everyday its the same thing...thats why i said what i far as the ea was an example of a big company verses this one...not alot of ppl in the company and they are doing the best they can with what resources they have...NO IM NOT A CONSOLE PLAYER....COMPUTERS SINCE VENDEX HEAD START COMPUTERS...lvl status and time on the game have nothing to do with anyones opinion on it....and yes edwin is busy all the time as are all the devs also....edwin...not saying its not right to ask...but like i said almost every thread has a problem in it....simply i was stating that people have to be patient...this game/sim will get better in time as im sure u have already seen also rob

medal 5000
11 years 232 days ago
simply i was stating that people have to be patient...this game/sim will get better in time as im sure u have already seen also rob

TBH 100% honest.. No I don't see a huge amount. Not with the 1 1/2 I've been playing this game for.. I am currently locked out of my 2nd team and they are easliy points contenders and they are at the back because I can't get in the live timings and they are stuck with fully pushing.. Re-booted and so on. Nothing. Just a black screen.
medal 5000
11 years 232 days ago
All I'll say is that, yes, faith in the developers is a good thing.

And yes, when you pay upwards of $50-$60/year for this service, you are more than entitled to answers to questions and the freedom to express yourself.
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