Luiz Otavio Santos medal 5000 13 years 81 days ago
How are few PRO now at the beginning (the second season begins with 5 or 6 only). And to prevent people from changing league, emptying the same. We could not have distinguished awards?
After all understand that the higher your level will be your biggest expense and also the greatest challenge. So I think the awards should be a major factor, otherwise, or leagues will deflate, or lead teams for bankruptcy ....

Janarthanan Siva Kumar medal 5000 13 years 80 days ago
Yes,we need it.
Higher level means higher prize money.

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 13 years 75 days ago
Unless we get some indication that this has a lot of support there\'s no value in taking it further. Also, please understand I can only reply to so many threads and do development.
I hope for 2012 we can get some dedicated support staff, that will save me a lot of time.

Luiz Otavio Santos medal 5000 13 years 75 days ago
I\'m spoiled by the beta phase ... : D