Roderick Theuma medal 5000 11 years 245 days ago
As all know all contracts expire, and as regards to the sponsors when renewing these contracts the money receivable from such sponsors always decreases per renewal. My question is this: If you let the contract expire would you be able to negotiate again like you did the first time so as to increase the money receivable?

Vinod Maskeri medal 5000 11 years 245 days ago
yes you can negotiate again once its expired...As I know you have to make sure that you have a good relationship with the a sponsors to increase the amount..For that you have to give good comments to them and score points regularly only then you can increase the amount while negotiating otherwise they will not accept your offer with higher money i think

Deep Desai medal 5000 11 years 244 days ago
Yeah, Vin's correct, try putting out possitive comments about your sponsor, also the best idea is to either only renew for 5 races in which way the payment is unchanged, or to just simply let the contract run out.
Hope it helps,