Got another one- starting cars or max stats for cars.
Hi Richard
To a certain extent it's already possible to limit starting design. The league in which I compete with my active account has a rule where all teams quit the league during the break between seasons and then re-join with a L1 CD.
Obviously it depends on the number of races in the previous season, but as an example, for a previous season of 15 races all teams begin the season with 8dp in a standard attribute, 11 in CD strength and 4 in CD weakness. This means that there is a real variety of development over the season and it is impossible to max everything out.
A spin-off benefit is that it is much easier to find L1 CDs with a good strength and weakness because new teams discard them as they level up.
We are 9 races into the current season and have had 7 different race winners, so no single team is dominating the league.
This is the 4th season of adopting these rules and it has introduced a whole new mindset into research and development of the cars.